RoNature is a social media application. The reason for choosing creating this app based on a very simple reason, namely, love for nature and passion for hiking, and beautiful thing has to be shared.
- application developed in Android Studio IDE
- UI realized with XAML
- backend Java
- data stored in Firebase Realtime database
The app start with autentification, users can sign in with an existing account or sign in with a new one. Each user has a profile, where user info can be added or photos can be posted. There is a home page, where all the posts appear in order by time created and user can interact with each other.
And there is a chat option where people can communicate directly in private.
RoNature is a bachelor degree project, develeoped by @Bacso Amalia- Angela and coordonated by Lect. Dr. Razvan Bocu. Click here to see the presentation.