Gathering NBA stats across any team and any season using Python, Pandas, BeautifulSoup, and RegEx
Go to the project's root directory, run the following command
python3 [command] --season [year as an int in YYYY format] --team [team abbreviation in 3 capitals chars]
Where command is one of the following:
- all: Retrieves all stats/player info across all teams in one season
- player: Retrieves game stats for one team in one season
- twitter: Retrieves one team's players' Twtiter handles (currently being updated)
- personal: Retrieves one team's players' height, weight and position (currently being updated)
Running the command
python3 [command]
where [command] is any command except for all
will, by default, return the corresponding stats/info for the Golden State Warriors' 2021-2022 NBA regular season