simulation of quadcopter using pybullet (calculations) and pyqtgraph (visualisation)
This code is used for simulating the dynamics of a quadcopter. The simulation is done in a separate thread, so the parameters and setpoints can be adjusted interactively. The motors are modelled as force-actuators, no airodynamics is taken into account. It is used in education, and therefore not complete on purpose: PID controller needs to be completed and the controller parameters should be tuned. The simulation is not meant for yaw-control (i.e. yaw=0)! For yaw-control the inverse kinematics in calculating the desired roll-pitch-yaw from the desired force-vector [Fx,Fy,Fz] should be changed.
Run the file
for example in ipython
and read and change some
In [1]: %run
In [2]: qcc.error_pos
In [3]: qcc.ref_pos = np.array([0,0,1])
In [4]: qcc.z_ctrl.Kp
In [5]: qcc.z_ctrl.Kp = 10
Tip: look into the comments in