This repository contains the sensor board and a library for arduino. Both the board and the library are still under development and susceptible of improvement :)
·The sensor works at 3.3V and can be used through UART or I2C by soldering the PS0 and PS1 pads below, as per the table below:
PS1 | PS0 | Functionality |
0 | 0 | Standard/Fast I2C Interface |
0 | 1 | HID over I2C |
1 | 0 | UART Interface |
1 | 1 | Reserved |
In order to be used with a 5V level microcontroller a 5V-3.3V level shifter must be used.
·It has two possible, hardware-defined I2C addresses, which are selectable through a solder pad, as in the following table:
ID PAD | I2C Address | ID |
Not soldered | 0x28 | A |
Soldered | 0x29 | B |
·The "I2C" pad enables the sensor's 4.7k pullup resistors. This pad should only be soldered if there were no other pullup resistors on the bus.
· To install the library simply copy the folder "BNO055" into your folder "sketchbook/libraries/".
· In the "examples" subfolder a cheatsheet sketch is available which demonstrates how to read different data.