new features 🚀
- how to keep your repo up-to-date with the template (#1226)
- streamlined and improved deployment workflow (#1234)
- copy code button (#1267)
- github trophies (#1229)
- standalone page for news (#1085)
- related posts section added to all posts (#1168)
- new social links: OSF (#1185), wikipedia (#1097)
- improved publication badges: dimensions (#1086) and altmetric (#1269)
bug fixes & improvements ✨
- fix in the docker build (#1074)
- various other fixes and improvements (#1084, #1087, #1099, #1113, #1143, #1152, #1194, #1268)
thank you 🙏
thank you to @george-gca, @rohandebsarkar, @pourmand1376, @zalsader, @ZhengLin-Li, @p2635, @buerviper, @ChildishGiant for the contributions!