= jwt_ninja Morten Egan [email protected]
== Summary
This is a PLSQL implementation of JWT (JSON Web Tokens) as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519[RFC7519]
== Pre-requisites
The following privileges are needed in the schema installing this package:
- grant create procedure to
- grant execute on dbms_crypto to
== Installation
To install the package simply run the the following 2 sql files as the schema owner of the package in sqlplus:
SQL> @jwt_ninja.package.sql
Package created.
SQL> @"jwt_ninja.package body.sql"
Package body created.
== Procedures and Functions
- jwt_generate
== Examples
For a detailed demo of this package, please see my blog entries on the package on my http://www.codemonth.dk/code_is_good/dev_qa_prod.assert?condition=codemonth:::17:[Codemonth website]