In finance, a stock index, or stock market index, is an index that measures a stock market, or a subset of the stock market, that helps investors compare current stock price levels with past prices to calculate market performance.
Kaggle link: Market Index Dataset
Attribute | Information | |
1 | Index | A stock market index is a measure of the performance of a particular group of stocks representing a portion of the overall market |
2 | Date | The date refers to the specific day on which the stock market data was recorded |
3 | Open | The price of the security at the beginning of the trading day |
4 | High | The highest price at which the security traded during the day |
5 | Low | The lowest price at which the security is traded during the day |
6 | Close | The price of the security at the end of the trading day |
7 | Adj Close | The adjusted closing price takes into account any corporate actions, such as stock splits, dividends, or rights offerings, that occurred after the markets closed. It reflects the closing price of the stock adjusted for these actions |
8 | Volume | The total number of shares or contracts that were traded during the day |