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Alibaba Cloud terraform example for kubernetes cluster

A terraform example to launching a kubernetes cluster in alibaba cloud.

These types of the module resource are supported:


This example can specify the following arguments to create user-defined kuberntes cluster

  • alicloud_access_key: The Alicloud Access Key ID
  • alicloud_secret_key: The Alicloud Access Secret Key
  • region: The ID of region in which launching resources
  • k8s_name_prefix: The name prefix of kubernetes cluster
  • k8s_number: The number of kubernetes cluster
  • k8s_worker_number: The number of worker nodes in each kubernetes cluster
  • k8s_pod_cidr: The kubernetes pod cidr block. It cannot be equals to vpc's or vswitch's and cannot be in them. If vpc's cidr block is 172.16.XX.XX/XX, it had better to 192.168.XX.XX/XX or 10.XX.XX.XX/XX
  • k8s_service_cidr: The kubernetes service cidr block. Its setting rule is same as k8s_pod_cidr
  • Other kubernetes cluster arguments

Note: In order to avoid some needless error, you had better to set new_nat_gateway to true. Otherwise, you must you must ensure you specified vswitches can access internet before running the example.

Planning phase

terraform plan

Apply phase

terraform apply


terraform destroy

Conditional creation

This example can support the following creating kubernetes cluster scenario by setting different arguments.

1. Create a new vpc, vswitches and nat gateway for the cluster.

You can specify the following user-defined arguments:

  • vpc_name: A new vpc name
  • vpc_cidr: A new vpc cidr block
  • vswitch_name_prefix: The name prefix of several vswitches
  • vswitch_cidrs: List of cidr blocks for several new vswitches
variable "profile" {
  default = "default"

variable "region" {
  default = "cn-hangzhou"

data "alicloud_vpcs" "default" {
  is_default = true

module "k8s" {
  source = "../"

  new_nat_gateway       = true
  vpc_name              = "tf-k8s-vpc"
  vpc_cidr              = ""
  vswitch_name_prefix   = "tf-k8s-vsw"
  vswitch_cidrs         = ["", "", ""]
  master_instance_types = ["ecs.n1.medium", "ecs.c5.large", "ecs.n1.medium"]
  worker_instance_types = ["ecs.n1.medium"]
  k8s_pod_cidr          = ""
  k8s_service_cidr      = ""
  k8s_worker_number     = 2

2. Using existing vpc and vswitches for the cluster.

You can specify the following user-defined arguments:

  • vpc_id: A existing vpc ID
  • vswitch_ids: List of IDs for several existing vswitches
variable "profile" {
  default = "default"

variable "region" {
  default = "cn-hangzhou"

data "alicloud_vpcs" "default" {
  is_default = true

module "k8s" {
  source = "../"

  vpc_id                =
  vswitch_ids           = ["vsw-bp1pog8voc3f42arr****", "vsw-bp1jxetj1386gqssg****", "vsw-bp1s1835sq5tjss9s****"]
  master_instance_types = ["ecs.n1.medium", "ecs.c5.large", "ecs.n1.medium"]
  worker_instance_types = ["ecs.n1.medium"]
  k8s_pod_cidr          = ""
  k8s_service_cidr      = ""
  k8s_worker_number     = 2

3. Using existing vpc, vswitches and nat gateway for the cluster.

You can specify the following user-defined arguments:

  • vpc_id: A existing vpc ID
  • vswitch_ids: List of IDs for several existing vswitches
  • new_nat_gateway: Set it to false. But you must ensure you specified vswitches can access internet. In other words, you must set snat entry for each vswitch before running the example.
variable "profile" {
  default = "default"

variable "region" {
  default = "cn-hangzhou"

data "alicloud_vpcs" "default" {
  is_default = true

module "k8s" {
  source = "../"

  new_nat_gateway       = false
  vpc_id                =
  vswitch_ids           = ["vsw-bp1pog8voc3f42arr****", "vsw-bp1jxetj1386gqssg****", "vsw-bp1s1835sq5tjss9s****"]
  master_instance_types = ["ecs.n1.medium", "ecs.c5.large", "ecs.n1.medium"]
  worker_instance_types = ["ecs.n1.medium"]
  k8s_pod_cidr          = ""
  k8s_service_cidr      = ""
  k8s_worker_number     = 2



From the version v1.4.0, the module has removed the following provider setting:

provider "alicloud" {
  profile                 = var.profile != "" ? var.profile : null
  shared_credentials_file = var.shared_credentials_file != "" ? var.shared_credentials_file : null
  region                  = var.region
  skip_region_validation  = var.skip_region_validation
  configuration_source    = "terraform-alicloud-modules/kubernetes"

If you still want to use the provider setting to apply this module, you can specify a supported version, like 1.3.0:

module "k8s" {
  source          = "terraform-alicloud-modules/kubernetes/alicloud"
  version         = "1.3.0"
  region          = "cn-hangzhou"
  profile         = "Your-Profile-Name"
  new_nat_gateway = true
  vpc_name        = "tf-k8s-vpc"
  // ...

If you want to upgrade the module to 1.4.0 or higher in-place, you can define a provider which same region with previous region:

provider "alicloud" {
  region  = "cn-hangzhou"
  profile = "Your-Profile-Name"
module "k8s" {
  source          = "terraform-alicloud-modules/kubernetes/alicloud"
  new_nat_gateway = true
  vpc_name        = "tf-k8s-vpc"
  // ...

or specify an alias provider with a defined region to the module using providers:

provider "alicloud" {
  region  = "cn-hangzhou"
  profile = "Your-Profile-Name"
  alias   = "hz"
module "k8s" {
  source          = "terraform-alicloud-modules/kubernetes/alicloud"
  providers  = {
    alicloud = alicloud.hz
  new_nat_gateway = true
  vpc_name        = "tf-k8s-vpc"
  // ...

and then run terraform init and terraform apply to make the defined provider effect to the existing module state.

More details see How to use provider in the module


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13


Name Version
alicloud n/a


No modules.


Name Type
alicloud_cs_kubernetes.k8s resource
alicloud_cs_kubernetes_node_pool.default resource
alicloud_eip.default resource
alicloud_eip_association.default resource
alicloud_nat_gateway.default resource
alicloud_snat_entry.default resource
alicloud_vpc.vpc resource
alicloud_vswitch.vswitches resource
alicloud_instance_types.default data source
alicloud_zones.default data source


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_addons Addon components in kubernetes cluster
name = string
config = string
[] no
cpu_core_count CPU core count is used to fetch instance types. number 1 no
cpu_policy kubelet cpu policy. Valid values: 'none','static'. Default to 'none'. string "none" no
create_vpc Boolean. If you have a vpc already, use that one, else make this true and one will be created. bool false no
data_disks Additional data disks to attach to the scaled ECS instance. list(map(string)) [] no
enable_ssh Enable login to the node through SSH. bool false no
example_name The name as prefix used to create resources. string "tf-example-kubernetes" no
install_cloud_monitor Install cloud monitor agent on ECS. bool true no
instance_charge_type The charge type of instance. Choices are 'PostPaid' and 'PrePaid'. string "PostPaid" no
k8s_name_prefix The name prefix used to create several kubernetes clusters. Default to variable example_name string "" no
k8s_number The number of kubernetes cluster. number 1 no
k8s_pod_cidr The kubernetes pod cidr block. It cannot be equals to vpc's or vswitch's and cannot be in them. string "" no
k8s_service_cidr The kubernetes service cidr block. It cannot be equals to vpc's or vswitch's or pod's and cannot be in them. string "" no
k8s_version The version of the kubernetes version. string "" no
k8s_worker_number The number of worker nodes in kubernetes cluster. number 2 no
master_instance_types The ecs instance types used to launch master nodes. list(string) [] no
master_password The password of master ECS instance. string "Just4Test" no
memory_size Memory size used to fetch instance types. number 2 no
new_nat_gateway Whether to create a new nat gateway. In this template, a new nat gateway will create a nat gateway, eip and server snat entries. bool true no
node_cidr_mask The node cidr block to specific how many pods can run on single node. Valid values: [24-28]. number 24 no
number_format The number format used to output. string "%02d" no
proxy_mode Proxy mode is option of kube-proxy. Valid values: 'ipvs','iptables'. Default to 'iptables'. string "iptables" no
subscription A mapping of fields for Prepaid ECS instances created. map(string)
"auto_renew": false,
"auto_renew_period": 1,
"period": 1,
"period_unit": "Month"
system_disk_category The system disk category used to launch one or more worker ecs instances. string "cloud_efficiency" no
system_disk_size The system disk size used to launch one or more worker ecs instances. number 40 no
vpc_cidr The cidr block used to launch a new vpc when 'vpc_id' is not specified. string "" no
vpc_id Existing vpc id used to create several vswitches and other resources. string "" no
vpc_name The vpc name used to create a new vpc when 'vpc_id' is not specified. Default to variable example_name string "" no
vswitch_cidrs List of cidr blocks used to create several new vswitches when 'vswitch_ids' is not specified. list(string)
vswitch_ids List of existing vswitch id. list(string) [] no
vswitch_name_prefix The vswitch name prefix used to create several new vswitches. Default to variable 'example_name'. string "" no
worker_instance_types The ecs instance types used to launch worker nodes. list(string) [] no
worker_password The password of worker ECS instance. list(string)


Name Description
cluster_id ID of the kunernetes cluster.
cluster_nodes List nodes of cluster.
nat_gateway_id The ID of the NAT Gateway.
security_group_id ID of the Security Group used to deploy kubernetes cluster.
this_k8s_node_ids List ids of of cluster node.
vpc_id The ID of the VPC.
vswitch_ids List ID of the VSwitches.

Submit Issues

If you have any problems when using this module, please opening a provider issue and let us know.

Note: There does not recommend to open an issue on this repo.


Created and maintained by Alibaba Cloud Terraform Team([email protected])


Mozilla Public License 2.0. See LICENSE for full details.
