Get your channel name from your twitch.tv name
Create a discord webhook using the following guide
(Optional) Generate an OAuth token
Replace the variables in the URL below with your variables
- Add the resulting URL as a hidden browser source in OBS
If you want your chatbot to respond when a user makes a suggestion you will need to create a token. Once you create a token you will need to add the token
parameter to the URL.
Navtivate to https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps/create
Enter a name for the application (e.g. MyUserNameRomShuffler)
for the OAuth Redirect URLs field -
Click create
Click manage next to your newly created application
Copy the value in the clientID field
Navigate to https://twitchapps.com/tokengen/
Enter your clientID from step 6
Enter the following scopes string in to the scopes field
channel:manage:redemptions channel:read:redemptions user:read:email chat:edit chat:read