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File generator that renders templates using Rancher API. Inspired by docker-gen.
This program listens for changes on Rancher services and renders a Jinja2 template. It also has the ability no run a notification command after the template has been rendered. This could be useful for generating configuration files for services like Nginx.
pip install rancher-gen
usage: rancher-gen [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--access-key ACCESS_KEY]
[--secret-key SECRET_KEY] [--project-id PROJECT_ID] [-h]
[--stack STACK] [--service SERVICE] [--ssl]
[--notify NOTIFY]
template dest
Generate files from rancher meta-data
positional arguments:
template Path to template to generate
dest Output path for generated file
named arguments:
--host HOST Rancher host (defaults to localhost)
--port PORT Rancher port (defaults to 80 or 443 if ssl is
--access-key ACCESS_KEY
The Rancher access key
--secret-key SECRET_KEY
The Rancher secret key
--project-id PROJECT_ID
Rancher's project id
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Set the log level.
--stack STACK The name of the rancher stack
--service SERVICE The name of the rancher service
--ssl User secure connections (https and wss)
--notify NOTIFY Command to run after template is generated (e.g
restart some-service)
In order to run rancher-gen, you must specify at least the following parameters:
- host: The ip/dns name of the rancher server.
- port: The port of the rancher server. It defaults to 80 or 443 for SSL.
- access-key: The access key to access the Rancher server.
- secret-key: The secret key to access the Rancher server.
- proejct-id: The project id (environment) from Rancher.
A list of container instances is passed to the template when is rendered. So, you can do something like:
{% for container in containers %}
{% endfor %}
"id": "1i258",
"type": "container",
"links": {
"self": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258",
"account": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/account",
"credentials": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/credentials",
"healthcheckInstanceHostMaps": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/healthcheckinstancehostmaps",
"hosts": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/hosts",
"instanceLabels": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/instancelabels",
"instanceLinks": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/instancelinks",
"instances": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/instances",
"mounts": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/mounts",
"ports": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/ports",
"serviceEvents": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/serviceevents",
"serviceExposeMaps": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/serviceexposemaps",
"services": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/services",
"targetInstanceLinks": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/targetinstancelinks",
"volumes": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/volumes",
"stats": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/stats",
"containerStats": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/containerstats",
"actions": {
"update": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/?action=update",
"stop": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/?action=stop",
"restart": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/?action=restart",
"migrate": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/?action=migrate",
"logs": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/?action=logs",
"setlabels": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/?action=setlabels",
"execute": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/?action=execute",
"proxy": "…/v1/projects/1a5/containers/1i258/?action=proxy",
"name": "foo_nginx2_1",
"state": "running",
"accountId": "1a5",
"blkioDeviceOptions": null,
"build": null,
"capAdd": null,
"capDrop": null,
"command": null,
"cpuSet": null,
"cpuShares": null,
"createIndex": 1,
"created": "2016-09-07T01:37:19Z",
"createdTS": 1473212239000,
"dataVolumeMounts": {},
"dataVolumes": [
"dataVolumesFrom": null,
"deploymentUnitUuid": "e4af719b-39ad-4576-8402-8a29a6ec97d6",
"description": null,
"devices": null,
"dns": [
"dnsSearch": [
"domainName": null,
"entryPoint": null,
"environment": {
"NGINX_RUN_TYPE": "rancher-gen",
"RANCHER_GEN_OPTIONS": "--port 8080 --stack foo --service hello",
"expose": null,
"externalId": "f61757f4ede26d6bbbb2ddc31aa8b17dd4227a3bbca12225ddab66e77d76971d",
"extraHosts": null,
"firstRunning": "2016-09-07T01:37:20Z",
"firstRunningTS": 1473212240000,
"healthCheck": null,
"healthState": null,
"hostId": "1h2",
"hostname": null,
"imageUuid": "docker:pitrho/nginx:dev",
"kind": "container",
"labels": {
"io.rancher.project.name": "foo",
"io.rancher.service.deployment.unit": "e4af719b-39ad-4576-8402-8a29a6ec97d6",
"io.rancher.service.launch.config": "io.rancher.service.primary.launch.config",
"io.rancher.project_service.name": "foo/nginx2",
"io.rancher.stack.name": "foo",
"io.rancher.stack_service.name": "foo/nginx2",
"io.rancher.service.hash": "ddf05372f057253876d50b81c26eb1a350438d49",
"io.rancher.container.uuid": "90028a61-6fd5-460a-a8b7-f90bcaf664f2",
"io.rancher.container.name": "foo_nginx2_1",
"io.rancher.container.ip": "",
"logConfig": {},
"lxcConf": null,
"memory": null,
"memorySwap": null,
"nativeContainer": false,
"networkContainerId": null,
"networkMode": "managed",
"pidMode": null,
"ports": [
"primaryIpAddress": "",
"privileged": false,
"publishAllPorts": false,
"readOnly": false,
"registryCredentialId": null,
"removed": null,
"requestedHostId": null,
"restartPolicy": null,
"securityOpt": null,
"startCount": 1,
"startOnCreate": true,
"stdinOpen": false,
"systemContainer": null,
"transitioning": "no",
"transitioningMessage": null,
"transitioningProgress": null,
"tty": false,
"user": null,
"uuid": "90028a61-6fd5-460a-a8b7-f90bcaf664f2",
"version": "0",
"volumeDriver": null,
"workingDir": null,
rancher-gen --host rancher.mycompany.com --port 8080 --access-key 1234567890 --secret-key 123ABC456DEF789GHI --project-id 1a5 /tmp/template.j2 /tmp/output.txt
rancher-gen --host rancher.mycompany.com --port 8080 --access-key 1234567890 --secret-key 123ABC456DEF789GHI --project-id 1a5 --stack mystack /tmp/template.j2 /tmp/output.txt
rancher-gen --host rancher.mycompany.com --port 8080 --access-key 1234567890 --secret-key 123ABC456DEF789GHI --project-id 1a5 --stack mystack --service myservice /tmp/template.j2 /tmp/output.txt
rancher-gen --host rancher.mycompany.com --port 8080 --access-key 1234567890 --secret-key 123ABC456DEF789GHI --project-id 1a5 --stack mystack --service myservice1 --service myservice2 /tmp/template.j2 /tmp/output.txt
rancher-gen --host rancher.mycompany.com --access-key 1234567890 --secret-key 123ABC456DEF789GHI --project-id 1a5 --stack mystack --service myservice --ssl /tmp/template.j2 /tmp/output.txt
rancher-gen --host rancher.mycompany.com --port 8080 --access-key 1234567890 --secret-key 123ABC456DEF789GHI --project-id 1a5 --stack mystack --service myservice --ssl --notify "service nginx reload" /tmp/default.tmpl /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default