This is my NeoVIM config. NeoVIM version is 0.9.0.
I use Lazy as a plugin manager.
- Structured config
- Papercolor color scheme
- LSP support:
- Use of built in NeoVIM LSP client
for completion.nvim-lspconfig
for LSP servers configurations.- Configuration for the following language servers:
, ...
- Highlighting via Treesitter
- Telescope and FZF for search
- Floating terminal window via Toggleterm
- Status line and tab line with Lualine
- Indentation via IndentLine
- Auto paring for brackets, quotations, tags and other defined patters
- Gitsigns, Fugitive and integration with LazyGit for GIT.
- Treesitter
- VimWiki
Neovim specific Python tools are installed inside virtual environment.
$ python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenv/neovim
$ source ~/.virtualenv/neovim/bin/activate
$ pip install pynvim neovim-remote
$ deactivate
Set up the g:python3_host_prog
variable in my lua/config_modules/small_tunings/init.lua
vim.g.python3_host_prog = '/home/alexgum/.virtualenv/neovim/bin/python3'