Welcome to the AP Portfolio, a dynamic and modern portfolio website built with Next.js, TypeScript, and emotion/styled. This portfolio is a showcase of my projects and a demonstration of modern web development practices and integration with various APIs and tools.
- Next.js Framework: Leveraging the power of Next.js for server-side rendering and static site generation to ensure fast load times and optimal performance.
- TypeScript Integration: Utilizing TypeScript to enforce type safety and improve the maintainability of the codebase.
- Styled-Components: Implementing styled-components for writing CSS in JavaScript, providing a seamless styling experience without leaving the JS environment.
- APOD API Integration: Featuring daily astronomical photographs from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) API, adding an engaging and educational element to the portfolio.
- Contact Form with Nodemailer: A functional contact form integrated with Nodemailer for easy communication.
Live Demo https://ap-portfolio-ten.vercel.app/
--- Devs Note ---
error "React does not recognize the
prop on a DOM element", solution : custom atributes need to be passed with $ prefix to not be passed to DOM or in some cases, "styling NextJs Image component" atribute needs to be extracted from component. -
incorect type inheritance for Mantine components styled with emotion/styled solution : export const ButtonShowForm* = styled(Button)``; export const ButtonShowForm = createPolymorphicComponent<"button", ButtonProps>(ButtonShowForm*,);
- about me section with clockify api and some description
- 404 page
- form animation ufo start:fligh in, formSend:fligh out