Hey there 👋, I am Alexandre!
Hello, I am Alexandre Touret. I am a senior software architect with 20+ - year experience passionate about technology, cloud and development. Throughout my career,I have designed, built and managed systems from small to large in various business contexts such as insurance, financial services or mobility industries. I then enjoy sharing my knowledge by speaking at conferences, organizing workshops and writing articles.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on software architecture, cloud computing (mostly on GCP) and observability
- 💬 Ask me about software architecture, design or Java development
- 📫 How to reach me: check out my LinkedIn profile
- 📝 You could also get my resume on my LinkedIn profile.
Languages and Tools:
Here is an overview of some of my skills and tools I use on a my daily job:
I regularly post articles on my personal blog and on the Worldline Engineering blog.