Verification For Corporation-H
▶️ npm install▶️ npm run watch▶️ npm run launch- 🪤 http://localhost:5000
- Don't use libraries? - Goes beyond my requirements for completing the assignment. Invented wheels are still enough 🚲
- Will using TypeScript be a plus? - For me, TypeScript is a moody past. Now plain JS love with FP intentions & TS type declarations.
React, hmm...
GraphQL - Simple slice of the model
Atomic SASS by mixins & initial color theming
- UI environment & basic design - Parallel implementations of UI elements, interactions, and design
- Reusable and extensible components, elements, interactions
- 🚲 Custom state management for UI elements
- 🚲 Custom state management for case components
- Comments
- Mobile adaptations
- Tests
- Light theme & theme changing
- Table interactions (sort, resizing)
- Dashboard sidebar
- Dashboard plates customization
- Advanced server-side (auth, personal settings, users interaction)
- Come to UI theme feeling