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The Way of CI/CD is a project from which you can assemble your custom pipeline by using different pieces of code or by including entire stages. This project serves as a builder for creating pipelines in GitLab.


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The way of CI/CD project

the way of cicd

About the Project

The Way of CI/CD is a project from which you can assemble your custom pipeline by using different pieces of code or by including entire stages. This project serves as a builder for creating pipelines in GitLab.

The Way of CI/CD includes the following pipeline stages:

You can find usage instructions for specific pipeline stages in the directories above.

Pipeline Usage

You can borrow or reuse pipeline components using three GitLab CI/CD directives: include, extends, and !reference [tags].


  - project: 'path-to-gitlab-repo/the-way-of-cicd-open-source-edition'
    ref: 'master'
      - 'build/build.yml'


  stage: build
    - .build_kaniko

!reference [tags]:

  stage: build
    name: !reference [.build_kaniko, image, name]
    entrypoint: !reference [.build_kaniko, image, entrypoint]
    - !reference [.build_kaniko, before_script]
    - !reference [.build_kaniko, script]

For more details on all directives and implementation details, you can refer to the official GitLab documentation.

Pipeline Design

The diagram shows the main pipeline stages, which are recommended to use in your project to build a pipeline.

flowchart LR

  subgraph test[test]
    A(custom tests)

  subgraph codescan[code-scan]
    C(sonar scan)

  subgraph version[version]

  subgraph pipeline[pipeline]
    E(define registry)
    F(define migrations)

  subgraph build[build]
    G(build image \n push image)

  subgraph binaryscan[binary-scan]

  subgraph deploy[deploy]
    I(deploy via helm)
    J(roll-back via helm)


 subgraph release[release]
  K(create \n gitlab \n release)

  A -- "send report" --> C
  codescan --> version
  version --> build
  E --> build
  F --> build
  build --> binaryscan
  binaryscan --> deploy
  deploy --> dev-env
  deploy --> test-env
  deploy --> prev-env
  deploy --> prod-env
  I -- "on failure" --> J
  deploy ---> release

  classDef ClusterBackground fill:#ffffde;
  class test,codescan,version,pipeline,build,binaryscan,deploy,release ClusterBackground;


Recommended Requirements for Implementing Your Pipeline

Compiled Report (.pre-test)

  • Tests must exist.
  • Testing should be performed for every commit in any branch.
  • The test results should include a coverage report for the Sonar task and, if possible, a junit report for viewing in the interface.
  • When using testcontainers on shared Kubernetes runners, Ryu is not mandatory.
  • All images should be pulled from the Registry.
  • It's recommended to avoid creating a separate dependent container (e.g., a database) for each individual test.

Code Scan

  • Static analysis should use SonarQube and helm lint.
  • Use a consistent project key pattern in the pipeline.
  • It's recommended to specify additional parameters for checking pull requests and branches.
  • For open repositories, it's recommended to set up badges in GitLab to display project check results.
  • Sonar properties can be used, but if the team desires, you can use our stage and add your own parameterization.
  • Scanning conditions:
    • Scanning is performed for each commit.
    • Scanning is performed for detached pipelines in merge requests.
    • Scanning is not performed for tags and the master/main/trunk branch.


  • The application version should be readable and understandable.
  • It should be easy to trace the application version.
  • The application version should be read from LABEL or Actuator Info (Spring), etc.
  • It's recommended to have the ability to recreate n number of application versions.
  • For versioning, it's recommended to use semantic versioning with a major, minor, and patch version counter -
  • It's recommended to store the major version of the application as a file in the repository (majorVersion).
  • SemVer is formed exclusively for master/main/trunk branches; in other cases, GitLab environment variables $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA are used.
  • is used as the primary versioning tool.


  • All passwords used during the build process must be obtained from vault.
  • Storing sensitive information openly in the repository, such as in .npmrc or build.gradle, is not recommended.
  • Personal accounts should not be used in CI; only service accounts should be used.
  • The result of the build is an artifact in the registry and data in CI, which can be used in subsequent stages to obtain the published artifact.
  • The logic for initiating the build and running tests is determined by the team.
  • It is recommended to perform the build using native tools if available.
  • The artifact should be easily traceable to a specific pipeline or commit.
  • Artifact build should only be done once for all stages.
  • Deploying a service to a specific environment should not require a separate build.
  • Environment variables and other parameters should be passed to different environments in a way that avoids the need for artifact rebuilding.
  • Complexity in artifact formation logic should be minimized.
  • It is not recommended to perform a complete build of the base image directly in the service pipeline; instead, it should be treated as a base image and pulled from the registry.
  • Avoid using latest tags in the versioning of external service dependencies.

Binary Scan

  • Image scanning should have a mechanism for blocking or skipping further pipeline execution based on conditions determined by the team.
  • After scanning images, we should be able to examine vulnerabilities in the scanned image.


The autotests section includes:

  • Launching Java+Gradle/Java+Maven autotests;
  • Creating reports in Allure (.create_autotests_report) with saving reports on Github pages (.pages);
  • The possibility of sending reports on autotest launches to the mattermost bot (.send_report_to_matter most).


  • It is recommended to use ./release-cli to create releases in GitLab in conjunction with the versioning stage.
  • Using ./release-cli in GitLab also allows for creating git tags and tracking application versions, creating immutable reference objects.


  • Kubernetes is recommended as the target deployment platform for services.
  • For applications, a Helm chart is provided:
    • All mutable data is placed in variables.
    • Sensitive data is placed in kind: Secret.
    • Variable values are passed through environment variables, or you can do this through kind: Configmap.
  • The deployment repository contains values for different stages, or there is a job capable of fetching data from external repositories.
  • Credentials should not be stored openly and should be substituted during template rendering either from variables defined in CI/CD Settings, but the preferable approach is to use HashiCorp Vault.
  • Deployment logic can be either within the service repository or separated into a separate repository and triggered from the application code repository.

Verify Deploy

  • In development progress

Auto Roll-Back

  • Helm is the primary implementation for automatic rollback.
  • In this project, the rollback stage allows you to revert to the previous version of the application, essentially the previous one.

How to Contribute

You can participate in the project in the following ways:

  • Share your work that can be reused by making a Merge Request.
  • Report issues with the existing template or suggest improvements.

Contribution Rules - Agreement

When developing and improving the project, we follow these rules:

  • If you find any issues or bugs, you can make fixes in the existing pipeline version.
  • Pay attention to documentation. We provide examples in each directory corresponding to the pipeline step, describing how to use the pipeline's functionality.
  • Parameterization: All values that can be customized should be. Teams should have flexibility in usage, so create variables and use them as parameters.

About Development

This project is developed by the DevOps community. We are an open-source community within the corporation, so all inner-source contributions and improvement suggestions are welcome. To suggest improvements, you can create issues in the project or create merge requests independently.



The Way of CI/CD is a project from which you can assemble your custom pipeline by using different pieces of code or by including entire stages. This project serves as a builder for creating pipelines in GitLab.







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