Various tuning calculators for 5.9 Cummins
Most tables have password protection to protect against accidental modification.
The password is 1234
Some of these calculators require the XonGrid add-in to perform interpolation. You will
need this add-in which can be found here:
I found that XonGrid does not work with 64bit Office 365 even you install the 64bit
version. To use this add-in you will need 32bit Office 365 and to install the 32bit
version of XonGrid.
xongrid version 3 seems to work.
5.9 Cummins Tune Calc (all stock loaded) protected
Main Inj Duration
Pilot Qty
Post Qty
Main Timing
Pilot Timing
Post Timing
Fuel Pressure
Pilot Inj Pulse (found way on right side)
Post Inj Pulse (found way on right side)
End of Main Deg Calc
Main Inj Norm RPM Calc
Post Duration Calc
Pilot Duration Calc
Pilot to Main Calc
Main to Post Calc
End of Pilot Deg Calc
End of Post Deg Calc
Main Time Calc (Calculates main timing based off of min end of main injection degrees)
Pilot Timing Calc (Calculates pilot timing based off of desired pilot to main delay or max degrees start)
Post Timing Calc (Calculates post timing based off of desired end of post degrees)
Timing Chart Mod (Graph of injection events for all given input tables)
Timing Chart Stock (Graph of injection events for all given stock tables, this always shows stock)