I want to implement the stacs as lists of integers. Right now I think I will need:
- structure for stack as a list
- functions to sort the stack
- functions to modify the order of items on the list
- function to iterate throught a list
DONE => best is to really crete the functions for Libft BONUS and then re-use them here with the stack or/and stack item structure.
DONE => Enrich Libft with gnl and printf to handle the reading and output of your push_swap program
DONE => Copy Libft into this project and construct Makefile that will pick it up
From subject PDF:
- Your project’s Makefile must compile the library by using its Makefile, then compile the project.
- your Makefile must not relink
DONE => Learn operations on **ptr... -.-
DONE => TDD: write tests for parse_arg() function
DONE => Complete parse_arg() function as per subject requirements, reading from terminal argument missing
PICK-UP: the solution is too long for 100 and 500 numbers :(
Valgrind runs x2
the solution is too long for 100 and 500 numbers :(
REMOVE wildcards from Makefiles
run Valgrind check
refactor heap utils - creation of the list uses heapadd() - to remove last leak
- errors check: some arguments are bigger than an integer
- errors check: some arguments are not numbers
remove the last leak
resolve segmentation fault - most probably in the last developed funcitons (not tested)
ft_get_lowest_cost_node(*a, *b); // returning a pointer to the node with the lowest operation cost
ft_push_b_correct_place(**a, **b); // returning void;
ft_push_a_correct_place(**a, **b); // returning void;
add unit tests to the cost calculation functions to make sure we get a sorted array in the end
check how arguments should be passed to your main: string or many argv
split heap_utils.c into separate files depending on function
correct ft_nb_at_head() to account for the direction of the rotation
correct return from ft_node_cost_calculation - depeinding on the combination of positive negative a & b rotations
remove unusued "initial index of the node"
revrite ft_heap_new(**heap) & ft_heap_add(**heap)
debug ./push_swap 1 5 5 4 3
- move check on ints from parse_args and parse_string_arg to a separate funciton
./test/heap_swap_test.c: Error!
Error: TOO_MANY_LINES (line: 45, col: 1): Function has more than 25 lines
./test/heap_reverse_rotate_test.c: Error!
Error: TOO_MANY_LINES (line: 45, col: 1): Function has more than 25 lines
./test/heap_utils_test.c: Error!
Error: TOO_MANY_LINES (line: 48, col: 1): Function has more than 25 lines
./test/heap_cost_calculation_test.c: Error!
Error: TOO_MANY_LINES (line: 70, col: 1): Function has more than 25 lines
Error: TOO_MANY_LINES (line: 115, col: 1): Function has more than 25 lines
Error: TOO_MANY_LINES (line: 163, col: 1): Function has more than 25 lines
./test/push_swap_utils_test.c: Error!
Error: TOO_MANY_LINES (line: 45, col: 1): Function has more than 25 lines
./test/heap_check_test.c: Error!
Error: TOO_MANY_LINES (line: 56, col: 1): Function has more than 25 lines
Knowledge used in Makefile: For examples have a look at the actual Makefile in this project.
$(patsubst pattern,replacement,text)
Finds whitespace-separated words in text that match pattern and replaces them with replacement. Here pattern may contain a % which acts as a wildcard, matching any number of any characters within a word. If replacement also contains a %, the % is replaced by the text that matched the % in pattern. % characters in patsubst function invocations can be quoted with preceding backslashes (`). Backslashes that would otherwise quote %characters can be quoted with more backslashes. Backslashes that quote%characters or other backslashes are removed from the pattern before it is compared file names or has a stem substituted into it. Backslashes that are not in danger of quoting%characters go unmolested. For example, the patternthe%weird%pattern` has the%weird` preceding the operative %character, andpattern` following it. The final two backslashes are left alone because they cannot affect any % character. Whitespace between words is folded into single space characters; leading and trailing whitespace is discarded. For example,
$(patsubst %.c,%.o,x.c.c bar.c)
produces the value x.c.o bar.o.