- Built a web crawler using Scrapy to collect restaurant information and reviews from TripAdvisor.
- Performed web scraping, cleaning and preprocessing of restaurant data before storing in MongoDB.
- Removed stop words, punctuations, special characters, numbers, and white-spaces from user reviews, and built a corpus applying tokenization and stemming.
- Identified key restaurant features from user reviews using Apriori algorithm and NLP.
- Generated summarized reviews based on frequent restaurant features.
- Created intelligent dashboards using Tableau to discover top restaurants by positive and negative reviews, cuisine, feature/meal, price, and location.
- Built a Flask application for users to search for restaurants based on their preference. The application also displays a feature based reviews for the searched restaurant and provides restaurant statistics by city along with other key information.
- Restaurant Scraper
- Data Cleaning and Processing for Analysis
- Feature Review and Sentiment Analysis
- Web Application
- UK Map - Filter by City/Price/Cuisine/Meal/Feature
- Restaurant Statistics - Filter by City
- Categorical/Positive/Negative Review Count - Filter by City
Scrapy, MongoDB, Flask
Tableau, MacOS Terminal(Vim)