- Akshay Ram Chaudhari : [email protected] (885869990)
- Sambhaji Ippar: [email protected] (885865899)
- Onkar Muttemwar : [email protected] (885199950)
- Meet Turakhia : [email protected] (885210237)
Prof. Wenlin Han, CSU Fullerton: [email protected]
- Updated the user interface.
- Added Option to customize Zombie Name
- Added option to change Zombie DNA
- Added function BalanceOf to check the balance of account
- Added function OwnerOf to check the ownership of NFT.
- Added NFT on the Marketplace. [Link] (https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/102442290240268602428752935257933529200693348925534355824082065762530734637057)
- Listed NFT for sell on opensea.
- Metamask account
- Node.js
- Express
- Insatlling Metamask wallet either via using chromium extentions link
- Installing Node.js Link
- Installing Express
npm install express --save
- Installing ganache
Make sure you have replaced the ownership in script.js with your own contract ownership address.
Check wheather contracts are visible on ganache and if not make sure they are initalized and migrated using 'truffle init' and 'truffle migrate' once the initialization is done make sure truffle configuration is correct with the ganache localhost.
Use any of the accounts private key and import it into metamask to use the development accounts
For the "Network Name" field enter "localhost".
For the "New RPC URL" field enter "".
For the chain ID enter "5777". Then click save.
Run the test using node js you can connect to localhost using
make sure you run the 'node server.js'