Python script for monitoring huawei storages
Tested on 5500 V5, 5600 V5, 2600 V3, 5500 V3, dorado 5000 V3, 18800 V3 and dorado 5000 V6
Macros on zabbix template: {$API_USER} - user on stroage. It have "Level" as read-only user, "Role" as Administrator {$API_PASSWORD} - password for {$API_USER} {$API_PORT} - port of api. 8088 as a default.
To make discovery of object need run script on linux console ./ --api_port=8088 --api_user=username --api_password='password' --storage_name="storage_name_in_zabbix" --discovery Script must return 0 in case of success
To get value of metrics nedd run script on linux console ./ --api_port=8088 --api_user=username --api_password='password' --storage_name="storage_name_in_zabbix" --status Script must return 0 in case of success
- Return code 1 or 2 is zabbix_sender return code. Read here -