An implementation of Hadamard Binary Neural networks in PyTorch.
[x] MLP:
Input -> FC(1024) -> ReLU -> BN -> FC(1024) -> ReLU -> BN -> FC(1024) -> ReLU -> BN -> FC(10) -> L2-SVM
Square hinge loss minimized with SGD without momentum.
Exponentially decaying learning rate.
BN with batch size of 200.
1000 epochs.
Repeat 6 times -> Different initializations.
[x] CONV:
[x] CIFAR-10
Global contrast normalziation
ZCA whitening
No data-augmentation
[x] 128C3 -> ReLU -> 128C3 -> ReLU -> MP2 -> 256C3 -> ReLU ->
256C3 -> ReLU -> MP2 -> 512C3 -> ReLU -> 512C3 ->
ReLU -> MP2 -> FC(1024) -> ReLU -> FC(1024) -> ReLU -> 10SVM
MP2 -> Max Pool 2x2
BN with batch size 50
500 epochs.
[x] ImageNet
[x] ResNet-18
[x] AlexNet
[x] Implemented CIFAR_10
[x] Implement MNIST
[x] Implement VGG/ResNet for ImageNet
[ ] Integrate CUDA kernels.
[x] Amortize torch BinActive class.