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This tool migrates legacy PAM assets (before 4.0) to new Asset Manager assets. Before using this tool, please read the migration guide.


If your PIM Enterprise Edition uses Docker, we encourage you to use this tool with Docker too. First, clone this repository

git clone csv_to_asset
cd csv_to_asset

Without Docker, you need to install composer locally:

composer install

With Docker, install dependencies with composer image:

docker-compose up
docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD:/app --volume ${HOST_COMPOSER_HOME:-~/.composer}:/var/www/.composer composer:1.7 install

You're ready to migrate your assets!


You need to copy the .env.dist file:

cp .env.dist .env

Then open .env to define the needed configuration vars:

  • AKENEO_API_BASE_URI refers to the URL of your PIM Enterprise Edition, used for API calls. For example, http://localhost:80. If you use Docker, set this value to http://httpd:80 (or https://httpd:443 if you use SSL).
  • APP_ENV refers to the APP_ENV of your PIM Enterprise Edition, used for direct bask calls. Set it to prod, prod_onprem_paas...

You also need to create a credentials file at the root of this project. This API credentials file needs to contain the following information : clientId, secret, username, password. The format of the file is the given in the example below :

on this line put my API client ID
on this line put my API secret
on this line put my API username
on this line put my API password

Docker setup

First, you have to update your Enterprise Edition docker-compose.yml file to allow external data from network.

    external: true

Then you will have to recreate this network manually. Go to your Enterprise Edition directory. List the current networks with

docker network list

Find your Enterprise Edition network in this list, stop your Docker so it removes it, to be able to create the new one.

docker-compose stop
docker network create pim
docker-compose up -d

Then, you have to use the docker-compose.override.yml of this repository. Copy paste the docker-compose.override.yml.dist into docker-compose.override.yml. Then, update /path/to/ee/ to match to your local installation (e.g. /home/akeneo/pim-ee/). Finally, restart your CsvToAsset docker:

docker-compose up

How to Use

Please read the different migration scenarios to find the one which will match your needs. You can refer to the migration guide to have a full description of each scenario.


When running the migrations, the script will create a new API connection in your PIM. This API connection has the "User" permissions by default.

In order to be able to fully run the migrations, you need to make sure the "User" Role has at least the following API permissions:

  • "Overall Web API Access"
  • "Channels"

To set those up, go in the "Settings" menu, then "Roles", Then select the "User" role. Go in the Web API permissions.

Full-automatic migration

This mode is for a PIM with a simple usage of the former PAM assets. It will automatically create your PAM assets and import them into a unique Asset family. As the categories and tags do not exist in the new Asset feature, we will keep them in a specific field on each Asset.

Please read the full documentation.

Family-by-family migration

In this mode, you will create several Asset families.

Please read the full documentation.

Full manual migration

This mode is for users who need to create several Asset families and choose every parameter of your families.

Please read the full documentation.


app:migrate [options] <pim_path> <assets_csv_filename> <variations_csv_filename>

This command migrates a single assets CSV file to one or several Asset families.

You can run app:migrate -h to have full details about this command's arguments.

You can use a mapping file to rename the default asset family attributes. All the attributes you can map are available in mapping.json.dist. You can, for example, create the above file mapping.json and call the migrate command with --mapping=mapping.json:

    "reference": "main_image",
    "variation_scopable": "my_variations",
    "categories": "former_categories"

It will create a family and import your assets with attributes main_image, my_variations and former_categories instead of the default reference, variation_scopable and categories.


  • --asset_family_code=ASSET-FAMILY-CODE
  • --reference_type=localizable|non-localizable|both|auto
  • --with_categories=yes|no|auto
  • --with_variations=yes|no
  • --with_end_of_use=yes|no|auto
  • --convert_category_to_option=yes|no|auto
  • --convert_tag_to_option=yes|no|auto
  • --mapping=MAPPING

app:create-family [options] <asset_family_code>

This command creates (using the API) an Asset Family with attributes needed to support the legacy PAM structure

  • reference (media_file attribute)
  • reference_localizable (media_file attribute)
  • variation_scopable (media_file attribute)
  • variation_localizable_scopable (media_file attribute)
  • description (text attribute)
  • categories (text attribute)
  • tags (text attribute)
  • end_of_use (text attribute)

You can run app:create-family -h to have full details about this command's arguments.


  • --reference_type=localizable|non-localizable|both
  • --with_categories=yes|no
  • --with_variations=yes|no
  • --with_end_of_use=yes|no
  • --category_options=CATEGORY-OPTIONS (comma separated)
  • --tag_options=TAG-OPTIONS (comma separated)
  • --mapping=MAPPING

Ex: php bin/console app:create-family my_asset_family

app:merge-files [options] <assets_file_path> <variations_file_path> <target_file_path>

This command merges one assets CSV file (assets_file_path) and a variations CSV file (variations_file_path) into one single file (target_file_path), ready to be imported by another command.

Note regarding memory: This command loads some values in memory and thus can result in a PHP Fatal error: Out of memory. This can happen if you have:

  • A lot of localizable assets and a lot of locales
  • A lot variations (more than 1 million)

If you encounter this problem, we encourage you to increase memory limit when running this command by adding -d memory_limit=4G for example.

Ex: php bin/console app:merge-files var/assets.csv var/variations.csv var/new_assets.csv

You can run app:merge-files -h to have full details about this command arguments.


  • --reference_type=localizable|non-localizable|both
  • --with_categories=yes|no
  • --mapping=MAPPING

app:import [file_path] [asset_family_code]

This command imports in the given Asset Family, a given Asset Manager CSV files into the PIM using the API. The file_path file should be a file generated by the merge-files command.

Ex: php bin/console app:import var/new_assets.csv my_asset_family

Common issues

The API is not reachable

When running the migration the following error occurs:

  cURL error 6: Could not resolve: (Domain name not found) (see ht

This probably means you didn't properly configure your AKENEO_API_BASE_URI environment variable in the .env file.

The script does not seem to have the permission to be able to use the API

When running the migration one of the following error occurs:

  You are not allowed to access the web API. (see
  [Akeneo\Pim\ApiClient\Exception\ClientErrorHttpException (403)]
  Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list channels. (see https://api.ak

This error means that the "User" role in your PIM does not have the required permissions to fully run the migrations.

Check the "Pre-requisite" section above to set up your User role permissions correctly.

Don't forget to set those back to how they were when you are done migrating your assets.

The import is too slow for me, How can I import my assets faster ?

When importing your assets using the command app:migrate, this command splits the asset file to import into multiple files of 50K assets.

The split files are located in the /tmp directory and have the following names:

  • migration_target_XXXXX.csv_aa
  • migration_target_XXXXX.csv_ab
  • migration_target_XXXXX.csv_ac
  • ...

Once the import of assets has started (meaning the asset family and all its attributes have been created in the PIM), you can stop the app:migrate script and start multiple SHELL execution of the imports.

To do so, run in separated terminals the following commands:

  • bin/console app:import /private/tmp/migration_target_XXXXX.csv_aa {TARGET_ASSET_FAMILY} -vvv
  • bin/console app:import /private/tmp/migration_target_XXXXX.csv_ab {TARGET_ASSET_FAMILY} -vvv
  • bin/console app:import /private/tmp/migration_target_XXXXX.csv_ac {TARGET_ASSET_FAMILY} -vvv
  • ...

Doing so, you will be able to run the import of multiple assets in parallel.


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