Package to unittest test golang API with json request and responses.
go get
package usage
import (
func GetUserTests(t *testing.T) {
testCase := apitester.TestCase{
TestName: "CreateUser",
TestDetail: "Proper Implemetaion",
Route: "/User",
Method: "POST",
HandlerFunc: CreateUser, //import and assign corresponding handler
StatusCode: 200,
AvoidKey: []string{"token"},
RequestHeader: map[string]string{
"Authorization": "authorization key",
RequestMap: map[string]interface{}{
"username": "nitya",
"password": "password"},
ResponseHeader: map[string]string{
"Content-Type": "application/json",
ResponseMap: map[string]interface{}{
"status": "User Created succesfully",
"userID": 88,
"username": "nitya"},
TypeCheck: map[string]interface{}{
"token": "stringType",
"userID": 0,
"username": "stringType",
RequestContextKey: "requestID",
RequestContextValue: 123,
apitester.RunTest(&testCase, t)
Only HandlerFunc Field is mandatory All other fields are optional during testing
Akash Thomas