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ShareX - File sharing, simplified.

Sending and receiving of files in hassle-free way with fast speed!

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Made with - Android GitHub release License stars - shareX forks - shareX


  • Open-Source app.
  • Web based interface.
  • Private mode for limited file sharing.
  • View transfer history.
  • Restrict modification of any file or folder.
  • Realtime logs.
  • Custom port selection.
  • Fastest QR scanner.
  • Show/hide hidden files.
  • Remember authorised devices.
  • Multiple and switchable web interface themes.
  • No need of this app on another device to send and receive files.
  • Work with Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone.
  • Lightweight app designed for faster, multiple and parallel file sharing purposes.
  • Send and receive files over wifi or within a network with anyone or on any device.
  • Completely works offline, it uses no data to share your files.
  • 13 built-in web interface themes.


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Copyright Β© 2022 Akansh Sirohi

ShareX is a free software licensed under AGPL v3.0
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Being Open Source doesn't mean you can just make a copy of the app and upload it on playstore or sell
a closed source copy of the same.

Read the following carefully:
1. Any copy of a software under AGPL must be under same license. So you can't upload the app on a closed source
  app repository like PlayStore/AppStore without distributing the source code.
2. You can't sell any copied/modified version of the app under any "non-free" license.
   You must provide the copy with the original software or with instructions on how to obtain original software,
   should clearly state all changes, should clearly disclose full source code, should include same license
   and all copyrights should be retained.
3. If you distribute this app, you must give attribution to the original author and display a copy of the license.

In simple words, You can ONLY use the source code of this app for `Open Source` Project under `AGPL v3.0` or later
with all your source code CLEARLY DISCLOSED on any code hosting platform like GitHub, with clear INSTRUCTIONS on
how to obtain the original software, you must give attribution to the ORIGINAL AUTHOR, should clearly STATE ALL CHANGES 
made and should RETAIN all copyrights.

Use of this software under any "non-free" license is NOT permitted.

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Building from Source

  1. If you don't have Android Studio & Android SDK installed, please visit official Android Studio site.
  2. Fetch latest source code from master branch.
git clone
  1. Run the app with Android Studio.

Quick Open ShareX Url In PC

  1. Open Notepad
  2. Paste the below code in it
@echo off
powershell.exe -Command "$ip = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_IP4RouteTable | where { $_.destination -eq '' -and $_.mask -eq ''} | Sort-Object metric1 | select nexthop; Start-Process \"http://$($ip.nexthop):6060\""
  1. Save it with the name open_sharex.bat.
  2. Double click on it to run anytime you want to open ShareX url in your PC.


Contributions are welcome. Please read our contributing guidelines before contributing.

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