AngularJS action icons directive that sends click events to your code as promises
(See the end of this Read Me for the change log)
add 'angularActionIcons' as dependency to your app
inject the service 'actionIcons' where you need it
use an actionIconSet
<action-icon-set data-entity-id="42" actions="trash"/>
set an icons dataStructure into your scope NOTE: prior to version 2.x use $scope.icons instead of actionIcons.icons
angularIcons.icons = {
trash: {
name: 'trash', // the icon name
event: 'item.delete', // namespace your events
title: 'delete this item', // the hover title
family: 'glyphicon' // the icon family
tell the angularActionIcons service actionIcons service about any icons you want to track NOTE: you can of course catch these events locally, just don't make this call.
watch the console when you click on it
delete item #42 success data: [defaultActionIconEventHandler] resolved:delete item #42
define your own event handler, (it should distinguish between your events...)
function handleEvent (event, promise) {
if (Math.random() > 0.25) { // reject 25% of the requests
promise.resolve('entityAdmin resolved:'+actionIcons.nameTheIcon(promise.event,;
} else {
promise.reject('entityAdmin rejected:'+actionIcons.nameTheIcon(promise.event,;
ask the angularActionIcons service actionIcons to call it
watch the console when you click on it
delete item #42 success data: entityAdmin resolved:delete item #42
add your own promise logging so that you can keep track of interal results
define your own logging Fn
function showResult (tag,msg) { // just display it for now...
ask the angularActionIcons service actionIcons to call it
there are six kinds of action icons
###action-icon-single-state : one click, one icon NOTE: prior to version 2.x use $scope.icons instead of actionIcons.icons
angularIcons.icons = {
trash: {
name: 'trash',
event: 'item.delete', // namespace your events
title: 'delete this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
<action-icon-set data-entity-id="42" actions="trash"/>
###action-icon-cycle-state : each click advances thru the group
#####Note: the icon will only advance if/when the event resolves NOTE: prior to version 2.x use $scope.icons instead of actionIcons.icons
angularIcons.icons = {
zmIn: {
name: 'zoom-in',
event: 'item.zoomIn', // namespace your events
title: 'zoom in on this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
zmOut: {
name: 'zoom-out',
event: 'item.zoomOut', // namespace your events
title: 'zoom away from this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
// the 1st one is the default, use the delim: > -- use as many icons as you want
<action-icon-set data-entity-id="42" actions="zmIn>zmOut"/>
###action-icon-radio-state : only one in a group can be on at a time, events: off then on ###action-icon-alt-radio-state : only one in a group can be on at a time, events: on then off
#####Note: the first event will fire, and must resolve before the second event will fire #####Note: the icon will only change if/when the pertinent events resolve NOTE: prior to version 2.x use $scope.icons instead of actionIcons.icons
angularIcons.icons = {
silent: {
name: 'volume-off',
event: 'item.mute', // namespace your events
title: 'silence this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
loud: {
name: 'volume-up',
event: 'item.loud', // namespace your events
title: 'hear this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
// the 1st one is the default, use the delim: : -- pass a unique class so we can find the group
<action-icon-set data-entity-id="42" actions="silent:loud:radio42"/>
// the 1st one is the default, use the ALT delim: # -- pass a unique class so we can find the group
<action-icon-set data-entity-id="42" actions="silent#loud#radio42"/>
###action-icon-radio-off-state : only one can be on, and you can turn that one off, events: off then on ###action-icon-alt-radio-off-state : only one can be on, and you can turn that one off, events: on then off
#####Note: the first event will fire, and must resolve before the second event will fire #####Note: the icon will only change if/when the pertinent events resolve NOTE: prior to version 2.x use $scope.icons instead of actionIcons.icons
angularIcons.icons = {
close: {
name: 'eye-close',
event: 'item.write', // namespace your events
title: 'stop watching this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
open: {
name: 'eye-open',
event: '', // namespace your events
title: 'watch this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
// the 1st one is the default, use the delim: ; -- pass a unique class so we can find the group
<action-icon-set data-entity-id="42" actions="close;open;radio42"/>
// the 1st one is the default, use the ALT delim: % -- pass a unique class so we can find the group
<action-icon-set data-entity-id="42" actions="close%open%radio42"/>
Use them however you want NOTE: prior to version 2.x use $scope.icons instead of actionIcons.icons
angularIcons.icons = {
trash: {
name: 'trash',
event: 'item.delete', // namespace your events
title: 'delete this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
zmIn: {
name: 'zoom-in',
event: 'item.zoomIn', // namespace your events
title: 'zoom in on this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
zmOut: {
name: 'zoom-out',
event: 'item.zoomOut', // namespace your events
title: 'zoom away from this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
silent: {
name: 'volume-off',
event: 'item.mute', // namespace your events
title: 'silence this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
loud: {
name: 'volume-up',
event: 'item.loud', // namespace your events
title: 'hear this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
close: {
name: 'eye-close',
event: 'item.write', // namespace your events
title: 'stop watching this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
open: {
name: 'eye-open',
event: '', // namespace your events
title: 'watch this item',
family: 'glyphicon'
// use a comma to delim between icon groups
<action-icon-set data-entity-id="42" actions="trash,zmIn>zmOut,silent:loud:radio42,close;open;radio43"/>
AngularActionIcons uses the root scope as an application bus.
It sets listeners for all the events you ask for, and emits the events on the $rootScope
If you give it an eventHandler it will call it with the event and the promise
Add a data-entity-type to your action icon sets
<action-icon-set data-entity-type="volume" data-entity-id="42" actions="silent:loud:radio42"/>
<action-icon-set data-entity-type="volume" data-entity-id="142" actions="silent:loud:radio42"/>
<action-icon-set data-entity-type="volume" data-entity-id="242" actions="silent:loud:radio42"/>
<action-icon-set data-entity-type="access" data-entity-id="43" actions="close;open;radio43"/>
<action-icon-set data-entity-type="access" data-entity-id="143" actions="close;open;radio43"/>
<action-icon-set data-entity-type="access" data-entity-id="243" actions="close;open;radio43"/>
Call actionIcons.setIcon( 'volume' , 'silent' ,[ 42, 142,242 ]) -- to turn all volume's to silent
Call actionIcons.setIcon( 'access' , 'close' ,[ 143 ]) -- to close access to 143
Add a data-entity-type to your action icon sets
<action-icon-set data-entity-type="record" data-entity-id="42" actions="trash"/>
Call actionIcons.enableIcon( 'record' , 'trash', false ,[ 42 ]) -- to disable the trash icon # 42
bower install --save angular-action-icons
2.0.5 - bugfix (hadn't included the frikkin' code!)
2.0.4 - added modifier keys to actionIcons object -- you can query it for: altKey, ctrlKey & shiftKey
2.0.3 - moved storage of icon data from the local $scope to the actionIcons service -- this is an easy fix for your code, but it is a breaking change.
So prior to version 2.x use $scope.icons to store the icon data
And from version 2.0 on use actionIcons.icons (and don't intialize it)
1.3.3 - bugfix to dynamically determined data-item-ids
1.3.2 - dynamically determine the icon data-item-id to cover those cases where the icon id changes after it's interpolated
1.3.1 - added ALT versions of the Radio and RadioOff icons, these turn ON the new one before turning OFF the old one
1.3.0 - rewrote event based icon control, removed listenForControl from service interface
1.2.8 - version bump for readme
1.2.7 - stop event propagation after iconClick
1.2.6 - bug fix to enable/disable
1.2.5 - icons can now be disabled/enabled via enableIcon which functions like setIcon
1.2.4 - bugfix in evented icons: $apply() was not high enough on the call stack
1.2.3 - bugfix in radio class handling, brings clicked & evented icons to parity
1.2.2 - bugfix in evented setMyIcon to show icon changes
1.2.1 - bugfix in radio icon logic
1.2.0 - added actionIcons.setIcon() to allow you to set the icons to a desired state
- changed attribute data-item-id to data-entity-id
- added attribute data-entity-type