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A protobuf data format for serde with first class support for reflection


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Tobu (Work in Progress)

tobu is a protobuf data format for serde with first class support for reflection.

This library is meant for academic purposes. It's primary feature is a full write up of my journey through Rust and creating this library. While correctness is important, do not expect production level maturity. Speed and benchmarking are important too, but only to the point of quenching my curiosity.


There are already Protobuf implementations out in the wild, most notably prost, the library powering tonic. Why make another?

To get a better grasp of Rust, I felt the need to work on a project and took personal interest in protobuf and gRPC. In particular, I wanted to try making a server that supports the transcoding google.api.http annotation.

// transcode between HTTP GET /v1/shelves/{shelf} and GetShelf gRPC 
// where the field shelf in GetShelfRequest maps to {shelf} in the URI. 
// Note: All protobuf messages have a JSON encoding.
rpc GetShelf(GetShelfRequest) returns (GetShelfResponse) {
  option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/shelves/{shelf}" };

message GetShelfRequest {
  int64 shelf = 1;

With this option, gRPC servers could effortlessly add an analog HTTP/JSON interface to their API. This is especially important for public facing servers since HTTP/JSON is so widespread.

Feeling stoked, I investigated what it would take to support it. What a rabbit hole that turned out to be! The annotation is a custom option. Custom options are proto2 extensions that require working with descriptors. Working with descriptors requires reflection. Oh, and there is a standard JSON wire format that needs to be supported too. This one little line ended up traversing much of the Protobuf feature set.

Browsing the Rust Protobuf ecosystem, I felt that reflection was a critical missing piece of functionality. In addition to reflection, I also felt libraries like prost were missing that distinctive Rust flavor that Serde provides. Serialization libraries should support #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]. While some libraries did, they "cheated" by having each generated message implement their own custom serialization without actually making a data format.

There is a reason why other Protobuf libraries choose not to implement a Serde data format: Serialization requires external metadata, like field numbers among other things. In other words, first class support for reflection is needed.


What follows is my documented experience writing the library before you. Please bear with me as this project is quite the learning process. I started it right after reading The Rust Book.

Reflection primer

To a user, reflection is a standardized way to describe and manipulate messages generated by the Protobuf compiler. Any valid .proto file can be translated into a FileDescriptorProto Protobuf message and back without losing any important information. Even comments are preserved. Descriptors make it possible to write a single interface that can validate, manipulate, extend, or even dynamically create any message object.

Of particular interest is the ability for third parties to extend messages with additional fields. For example, custom options, like the google.api.http annotation, can be created by adding an extension to google.protobuf.MessageOptions.

For myself, the developer of this library, I would like to create a Protobuf compiler plugin that is capable of generating both messages and descriptors in Rust and a library that provides a reflective interface to utilize them. Piece of cake right? Right... Let's begin.

Deep dive into protobuf-go

Since other programming languages have Protobuf libraries with support for reflection, let's use them as an example. After a little digging, I found protobuf-go, a relatively recent library implemented in a compiled language with clear thought put into the reflection interface. Once I saw it, I immediately wanted to model my own interface after it.

Though the interface is nice, the devil is in the details, as they say. Hidden underneath that interface was an implementation that even a fledgling Rustacean such as myself could tell would not translate to Rust without a world of hurt. Take for example:

syntax = "proto3";

message Simple {
    bool simple_bool = 1;

Running the .proto above through protoc with the Go Protobuf plugin produces the struct:

type Simple struct {
	state         protoimpl.MessageState
	sizeCache     protoimpl.SizeCache
	unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields

	SimpleBool bool

SimpleBool is public data; the rest is private reflection state. state is interesting in particular because it contains a single pointer:

type MessageState struct {
	atomicMessageInfo *MessageInfo

and, you see, state happens to always be the first field in the struct. This is not by coincidence, but to fully understand it, we need to dig deeper. To access the reflective interface, users call ProtoReflect. Every generated message's ProtoReflect implementation looks similar. Here is what it looks like:

var file_simple_proto_msgTypes = make([]protoimpl.MessageInfo, 1)

func (x *Simple) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
	mi := &file_simple_proto_msgTypes[0]
	if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
		ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
		if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
		return ms
	return mi.MessageOf(x)

func (ms *messageState) LoadMessageInfo() *MessageInfo {
	return (*MessageInfo)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&ms.atomicMessageInfo))))

func (ms *messageState) StoreMessageInfo(mi *MessageInfo) {
	atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&ms.atomicMessageInfo)), unsafe.Pointer(mi))

If we wipe off all the atomic and unsafe.Pointer gore, this function does two things:

  1. It casts *Simple to a type called *MessageState which implements the reflective interface protoreflect.Message.
  2. It assigns some static descriptor data to atomicMessageInfo if it has not been assigned already.

With this critical piece of information in mind, let's look at an example of reflection in action:

func TestReflection(t *testing.T) {
	s := proto3.Simple{SimpleBool: true}
	r := s.ProtoReflect()
	v := r.Get(r.Descriptor().Fields().ByName("simple_bool")).Bool()
	if v != s.SimpleBool {
		t.Errorf("field simple_bool = %v, want %v", v, s.SimpleBool)

Everything up through the call to ProtoReflect so far is clear. We now know that the descriptor information, a.k.a. MessageInfo, can be accessed through the atomicMessageInfo pointer. And we know that our Simple object s is masquerading as a MessageState. But, that's only the tip of the iceberg. We have effectively just erased our type. So, then how does a generic type like MessageState magically access concrete data like s.SimpleBool using only a descriptor?

The process is complicated so let's do a little backtracking. What is this descriptor thing? Within the generated Go code, looking very conspicuous, is a random array of bytes:

var file_simple_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
	0x0a, 0x0c, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x12, 0x13,

That random array of bytes turns out to be a serialized FileDescriptorProto containing all the static information for Simple. These byes get lazily deserialized in various stages as needed during runtime. For example, calling Message::Descriptor would initialize less static data than calling Message::Get. In Rust, this is equivalent to wrapping the fields and nested fields within MessageInfo in layers of sync::OnceCell<T>.

Speaking of which, let's take a look at the fields in MessageInfo. For the purpose of explanation, some liberties were taken to simplify the code.

type MessageInfo struct {
	Desc         pref.MessageDescriptor
	fields       map[pref.FieldNumber]*fieldInfo
	extensionMap func(pointer) *map[pref.FieldNumber]ExtensionField
	coderFields  map[pref.FieldNumber]*coderFieldInfo

type fieldInfo struct {
	fieldDesc pref.FieldDescriptor
	has       func(pointer) bool
	clear     func(pointer)
	get       func(pointer) pref.Value
	set       func(pointer, pref.Value)

type coderFieldInfo struct {
	funcs      pointerCoderFuncs
	mi         *MessageInfo      // non-null when field is of type Message
	num        pref.FieldNumber  // unique to each message
	offset     offset            // offset in bytes from beginning of struct

type pointerCoderFuncs struct {
	size      func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) int
	marshal   func(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) ([]byte, error)
	unmarshal func(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo) error

As expected, MessageInfo.Desc and fieldInfo.fieldDesc contain de-serialized descriptor data, but the other fields are more interesting. They are function objects that take a pointer which, as you may have guessed, is *MessageState. By indexing some Offset into *MessageState and casting the data to a Value, the reflective interface is able to access and modify a concrete message's data, like it did for Simple in the test above.

Even though I have some familiarity with Go, this all sounded somewhat nuts to do, especially with generated code. Go, however, has powerful reflection capabilities built into the language, so this practice becomes somewhat reasonable. I would not try this with C/C++ and Rust similarly does not have such reflective capabilities. I don't think that is a bad thing though; Rust was built on a completely different foundation of thought.

Back to Rust with a glance at Pin

For the moment, let's forget about Serde. How should reflection be implemented? After we figure out reflection, we can get it working with Serde.

A Rust analog to the implementation above would involve gratuitous amounts of mem::transmute. Just a brief glance at the documentation and a shallow gaze into the nomicon and I am feeling just a little uncomfortable. Since Rust doesn't have the same reflective capabilities as Go, it truly feels like casting off into a sea of bytes and praying for correctness. The point of this project is to learn and Rust seems to be telling me to find another way. Let's take the hint.

How about making our own type like MessageState - let's call it Reflection - that holds a reference to the other data in the struct. Reflection would also contain references to generated descriptor data, but let's leave that out for now. To reflect, just return reflect, a field that all generated Protobuf messages could have in common.

// Imagine this contains a reference to static descriptor info too.
pub struct Reflection<'a> {
    pub fields: Vec<Value<'a>>,

// Imagine more variants here.
pub enum Value<'a> {
    Bool(&'a bool),
    I32(&'a i32),

// A generated message with internal message state for reflection.
pub struct Simple<'a> {
    reflect: Reflection<'a>,
    pub simple_bool: bool,

Of course, it's not quite this easy. References can never be null so it's not possible to make a struct that points to itself like this:

impl<'a> Simple<'a> {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Simple {
            reflect: Reflection {
                fields: vec![Value::Bool(/* ??? */)],
            simple_bool: false,

Thankfully there is a type for that, and looking at the standard library, all the cool containers are using it!

use std::ptr::NonNull;

pub enum Value {

impl Simple {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let mut s = Simple {
            reflect: Reflection {
                fields: vec![Value::Bool(NonNull::dangling())],
            simple_bool: false,
        s.reflect.fields[0] = Value::Bool(NonNull::from(&s.simple_bool));
    pub fn reflect(&self) -> &Reflection {

    pub fn reflect_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Reflection {
        &mut self.reflect

It's very nice how the lifetime went away too. Borrowing reflect, which is bound to the lifetime of the object holding it, should always live long enough. Okay, so this code is a little clever, but it compiles! Does it work? Nope! Check out this test:

fn it_works() {
    let s = Simple::new();
    // If it wasn't for return value optimization, we would already be 
    // in trouble, but let's explicitly force a move to prove a point.
    let s = s;

    let v = match s.reflect().fields.get(0) {
        Some(Value::Bool(v)) => v,
        _ => unreachable!(),

    assert_eq!(format!("{:p}", v.as_ptr()), format!("{:p}", &s.simple_bool));
thread 'it_works' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `"0x7fc75c46f578"`,
 right: `"0x7fc75c46f598"`'

Coming from C++, one of the nice things about Rust is how natural moving data feels. I was just sitting here taking it for granted... until this panic happened.

Okay so now what? Surely I am not the only one who wants to do this kind of thing. Sure enough, I found something called pin. The documentation even has an example for my use case, something called self-referential structs. I had never seen anything like Pin before, but thanks to Boats, Jon, and the async-book, I was finally able to wrap my head around it!

As magical as it is, Pin won't actually solve the problem. Yes, it's important to use it when writing self-referential structs, but it's purpose is to turn runtime bugs into compile time errors; it doesn't tell the compiler to prevent moves from happening. I'd say it's more of a safety Pin (sorry!).

Ultimately, the problem is much more fundamental. I am using the stack. Things on the stack get moved and fall out of scope. So, I need to use the heap. It's not immediately obvious, but heap allocation and Pin are a package deal. Rust drops little hints like Box having it's own constructor specifically for pinning objects to the heap. Also, in the example from the pin documentation , the constructor for the self-referential struct returns a Pin<Box<Self>>.

fn new(data: String) -> Pin<Box<Self>> { /* ... */ }

That's not a coincidence; it forces heap allocation. Heap allocated objects are accessed indirectly through pointers, and those pointers are free to move around all they want.

By the way, objects can be pinned to the stack, but it's incredibly limiting, so the use cases for it are rare. It took me far too long to come to terms with that.

Unfortunately, allocating a type like Simple on the heap feels a little heavy and users would have to interact with a Box instead of the type directly, all for a feature most will never use.

For those who want a more complete example of the code above, take a look at the prototype here.

As a last gasp, I found another interesting concept called rel-ptr. This library could be used in a very similar way to Offset with no transmute necessary. However, concerns have been raised that the implementation is unsound. I think I would want support from the language for something like that anyway. Let's keep searching for alternatives.

Type conversion: heavy and light

How about something a little more conventional? Let's make a conversion trait, much like From, but just a little fancier.

pub trait Reflect: Sized {
    fn reflect(self) -> Reflection<Self>;

pub struct Reflection<T> {
    message: Message,
    _marker: PhantomData<T>,

pub struct Message {
    fields: Vec<Option<Value>>,

Damn, that's fancy. What does PhantomData do? When a type is generic over type parameter T, the compiler rightfully gets mad if the type doesn't actually make use of that T. However, there are some use cases where keeping that information around is important. Reflection uses it to track which concrete message type to go back to, via absorb, the aptly named opposite of reflect.

impl<T> Reflection<T> {
    pub fn absorb(self) -> Result<T, ReflectionError>
        Message: TryInto<T, Error = ReflectionError>,

impl<T> Reflect for T
    T: Into<Message>,
    fn reflect(self) -> Reflection<Self> {

Assuming Simple can be converted Into/From a Message, the reflective interface looks like:

let s: Simple = Simple::new();
let r: Reflection<Simple> = s.reflect();
let s: Simple = r.absorb().unwrap();

All that's left is to implement the actual conversion. As you may have guessed from the section title, I found two type conversion candidates to compare: heavy and light.

Before getting into it, let's flex the Protobuf type system a little more by making a new message Complex.

syntax = "proto2";

message Complex {
  optional Enum optional_enum = 1;
  repeated bytes repeated_bytes = 2;
  map<int32, Nested> map_message = 3;

  enum Enum { 
    ZERO = 0;
    ONE = 1;
    TEN = 10;

  message Nested {
    optional string optional_string = 1;

Lets also fully flesh out Value, but this time without the references.

use std::collections::HashMap;

pub enum Value {
    Map(HashMap<Value, Value>),

This design won't go out of it's way to prevent invalid types around List and Map. For example, it's possible to create a list of maps, which isn't definable in Protobuf syntax. Also it's really nice when the template type parameters of List and Map match the actual type that you want because then the per-element conversion Into/From a Value is no longer necessary. Here is a definition that utilizes the type system better:

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Value {

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Rule<T> {

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Key<T> {
    Bool(HashMap<bool, T>),
    I32(HashMap<i32, T>),
    I64(HashMap<i64, T>),
    String(HashMap<String, T>),
    U32(HashMap<u32, T>),
    U64(HashMap<u64, T>),

Granted, Value becomes less intuitive, but let's give it a try. Note, it is still possible for absorb to fail. For example, Enum values may not match a valid variant or the fields in Message may not match the descriptor. This is why absorb returns a Result. Without further ado, on to conversion.

The heavy conversion

Welcome to the "heavy" conversion. This is the most direct approach. Compiling our Protobuf messages would produce Rust structs that look like:

pub struct Simple {
    pub simple_bool: bool,

pub struct Complex {
    pub optional_enum: Option<ComplexEnum>,
    pub repeated_bytes: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
    pub map_message: HashMap<i32, ComplexNested>,

pub enum ComplexEnum {
    One = 1,
    Two = 2,
    Ten = 10,

pub struct ComplexNested {
    pub optional_string: Option<String>,

Each struct has fields that are intuitive enough to be made public; this won't be the case for the light conversion. But as a trade-off, the fields need to be fully processed to produce a Reflection.

impl From<Complex> for Message {
    fn from(m: Complex) -> Self {
        Message {
            fields: vec![
                    .map(|v| Value::Enum(Rule::Singular(Enum { number: v as i32 }))),
                        .map(|(k, v)| (k, v.into()))

impl TryFrom<Message> for Complex {
    type Error = AbsorbError;

    fn try_from(m: Message) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        let mut fields = m.fields.into_iter();
        if fields.len() != 3 {
            return Err(AbsorbError::invalid_length(3, fields.len()));

        Ok(Complex {
            optional_enum: fields
                .map(|v| match v {
                    Value::Enum(Rule::Singular(v)) => ComplexEnum::new(v.number)
                        .ok_or_else(|| AbsorbError::invalid_enum("ComplexEnum", &v)),
                    v => Err(AbsorbError::invalid_type("optional_enum", &v)),
            repeated_bytes: match {
                Some(Value::Bytes(Rule::Repeated(v))) => Ok(v),
                Some(v) => Err(AbsorbError::invalid_type("repeated_bytes", &v)),
                None => Err(AbsorbError::not_optional("repeated_bytes")),
            map_message: match {
                Some(Value::Message(Rule::Map(Key::I32(v)))) => {
                    v.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| Ok((k, v.try_into()?))).collect()
                Some(v) => Err(AbsorbError::invalid_type("map_message", &v)),
                None => Err(AbsorbError::not_optional("map_message")),

Heavy indeed, but iterators and match syntax really pull some weight. AbsorbError is a thiserror enum with constructors to make the code a little cleaner.

The light conversion

A lighter approach, at least as far as the reflection part is concerned, would be to not do any conversion at all! Instead, we could generate types that start in an already converted format.

How would that look? Every concrete message would be a struct with a single private Message field. Field data would need to be accessed through special methods that can perform the conversion between a Value and the type users want.

In true Rust fashion, each field would have a mut and non-mut pair of access methods.

  • field(&self) -> &Field
  • field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Field

For messages defined with "proto2" syntax, each field would have a couple of additional methods for dealing with nullability:

  • has_field(&self) -> bool
  • clear_field(&mut self)

Now, here would be the part where I show you a clean, simple conversion. Except, there is a little trouble with regard to validation. Messages and Enums require a costly conversion just to be validated and subsequently discarded. Take for example, the map_message field:

match &m.fields[2].get_or_insert(Value::Message(Rule::Map(Key::I32(HashMap::new())))) {
    Value::Message(Rule::Map(Key::I32(v))) => v
        .map(|v| ComplexNested::try_from(v.clone()))
        .collect::<Result<_, _>>(),
    v => return Err(AbsorbError::invalid_type("map_message", v)),

The problem is TryFrom does not borrow. So, we need to clone every single value element in the map. To avoid the clone, messages could implement an additional AsRef conversion, but the documentation does not recommend using it for conversions that are costly or can fail. Ultimately, the message just needs to be validated, so let's make a validate method that takes a reference to a Message and spits out an AbsorbError if something goes wrong.

pub struct Complex {
    inner: Message,

impl Complex {
    fn validate(m: &Message) -> Option<AbsorbError> {
        if m.fields.len() != 3 {
            return Some(AbsorbError::invalid_length(3, m.fields.len()));

        match &m.fields[0] {
            Some(Value::Enum(Rule::Singular(v))) => ComplexEnum::validate(v),
            Some(v) => Some(AbsorbError::invalid_type("optional_enum", v)),
            None => None,

        match &m.fields[1] {
            Some(Value::Bytes(Rule::Repeated(_))) => None,
            Some(v) => Some(AbsorbError::invalid_type("repeated_bytes", v)),
            None => Some(AbsorbError::not_optional("repeated_bytes")),

        match &m.fields[2] {
            Some(Value::Message(Rule::Map(Key::I32(v)))) => {
            Some(v) => Some(AbsorbError::invalid_type("map_message", v)),
            None => Some(AbsorbError::not_optional("map_message")),

impl TryFrom<Message> for Complex {
    type Error = AbsorbError;

    fn try_from(m: Message) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        if let Some(err) = Self::validate(&m) {
            return Err(err);

        Ok(Complex { inner: m })

All that's left is to make access methods. This is mostly just a ton of boilerplate (feel free to take a look at the implementation here), with the exception of Message and Enum fields which need to be represented as concrete types.

pub struct Complex {
    inner: Message,

pub enum ComplexEnum {
    One = 1,
    Two = 2,
    Ten = 10,

pub struct Enum {
    pub number: i32,

impl Complex {
    pub fn optional_enum(&self) -> ComplexEnum {
        match &self.inner.fields[0] {
            Some(Value::Enum(Rule::Singular(v))) => unsafe {
                // Safety: ComplexEnum is repr(i32) and
                // Enum is a repr(transparent) wrapper around i32
                *(v as *const Enum as *const ComplexEnum)
            Some(_) => unreachable!(),
            None => ComplexEnum::default(),

    pub fn map_message(&self) -> &HashMap<i32, ComplexNested> {
        match &self.inner.fields[2] {
            Some(Value::Message(Rule::Map(Key::I32(v)))) => unsafe {
                // Safety: ComplexNested is a repr(transparent) wrapper around a Message
                &*(v as *const HashMap<i32, Message> as *const HashMap<i32, ComplexNested>)
            _ => unreachable!(),


Yep, unsafe! As noted in the comment, Rust has some ability to control the layout of types. Here, concrete Messages and Enums are newtypes that can take advantage of repr(transparent). This will guarantee the newtype and the type it wraps have the same representation. Therefore, this bit of unsafe code is sound. In fact, David Tolnay, a person much smarter than myself, has a crate for that called ref-cast.

Comparing heavy and light

And now for the results! To benchmark, I used the popular crate criterion. I won't go into detail about the implementation of the benchmark because it's fairly dry and the criterion API is quite simple. Feel free to take a look at the benches here. I split the benchmarks into groups so that heavy and light implementations can be side-by-side compared based on 5 categories, per message:

  • new: Construct a default concrete message.
  • access: Access all the fields of the message without mutation.
  • mutate: Mutate all the fields of the message.
  • reflect: Reflect a non-empty message. See implementation for more details.
  • absorb: Absorb a reflection of a non-empty message. See implementation for more details.
test complex/new/heavy ... bench:          23 ns/iter (+/- 6)
test complex/new/light ... bench:          67 ns/iter (+/- 8)

test complex/access/heavy ... bench:           5 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test complex/access/light ... bench:          14 ns/iter (+/- 4)

test complex/mutate/heavy ... bench:         338 ns/iter (+/- 23)
test complex/mutate/light ... bench:         458 ns/iter (+/- 22)

test complex/reflect/heavy ... bench:         392 ns/iter (+/- 61)
test complex/reflect/light ... bench:          14 ns/iter (+/- 1)

test complex/absorb/heavy ... bench:         462 ns/iter (+/- 120)
test complex/absorb/light ... bench:          23 ns/iter (+/- 51)

test simple/new/heavy ... bench:           2 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test simple/new/light ... bench:          38 ns/iter (+/- 1)

test simple/access/heavy ... bench:           1 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test simple/access/light ... bench:           3 ns/iter (+/- 1)

test simple/mutate/heavy ... bench:           0 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test simple/mutate/light ... bench:          49 ns/iter (+/- 16)

test simple/reflect/heavy ... bench:          39 ns/iter (+/- 28)
test simple/reflect/light ... bench:          14 ns/iter (+/- 2)

test simple/absorb/heavy ... bench:          62 ns/iter (+/- 7)
test simple/absorb/light ... bench:          21 ns/iter (+/- 1)

It comes as no surprise that there is no clear winner here. It'a trade-off between new, access, mutate and reflect, absorb. Light makes the reflection API seemingly constant-time with impressive performance gains, especially for messages with increasingly large amounts of data. But, oof! It really does pay for it by adding non-trivial overhead to what I anticipate to be the far more commonly used methods.


A protobuf data format for serde with first class support for reflection



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