REQUIREMENTS: Python 3, NLTK, Flask, ngrok
To run the project, clone this repo.
In project directory, mkdir pickled_files.
Fire up Python3, run an instance of object from NaiveBayes.
Run the train() and store_pickle() methods of NaiveBayes.
OR, check and run
Make sure Dialogflow is set up correctly for use. Make an account and sign-in to Dialogflow, create a new agent.
Go to Agent Settings (cog wheel next to agent name) > Export and Import > select Restore from ZIP.
Upload the included
Set up an ngrok tunnel to localhost.
Run the following command (worked for Hongchao, failed for Ajay):
ngrok http 5000
If you have weird issues, run the following (fixed for Ajay):
ngrok http -host-header=""
Copy the https fowarding URL.
Go to Dialogflow > Fulfillment.
Under URL, paste the URL from ngrok AND append "/webhook".
The application can now be tested in the Dialogflow Fulfillment Test Console to the left of the URL field, or for a nicer view go to Integrations, scroll down to Text Based, turn on the Web Demo, click on it and follow the URL.