Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0
What's Changed
- update sliver docs by @thorinaboenke in #97
- Bug 96 sliverexecutor ignores the file path setting by @thorinaboenke in #98
- bugfix regex modes by @thorinaboenke in #93
- playbook default location by @thorinaboenke in #94
- Feature 24 remove validate prompt bool from ssh command by @thorinaboenke in #105
- Feature b69 binary mode for shell command by @thorinaboenke in #99
- Feature 108 add regex operation to conditionals by @thorinaboenke in #109
- Feature 76 add metadata logging by @thorinaboenke in #111
- refactor executors import and initialisation by @thorinaboenke in #115
- update docs by @thorinaboenke in #116
- json_command_logs by @thorinaboenke in #113
- sftp command by @thorinaboenke in #118
- Feature basic list functionality by @whotwagner in #124
- Feature loop by @whotwagner in #125
- Fix json logger by @thorinaboenke in #128
- Add documentation about the new loop command by @annaerdi in #130
- add varstore variables to loop template substitution by @thorinaboenke in #137
- 133 regex list by @thorinaboenke in #135
- replace prefixed env vars by @thorinaboenke in #126
- executor factory by @thorinaboenke in #120
- Development by @whotwagner in #138
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0