Some scripts I created while using bspwm, to help me manipulate the desktops on the fly. Took a while to function the way I wanted so I decided to share it.
Lets you Add, remove, rename and rearrange desktops with a press of a button
- dmenu2-underline from archlinux aur- alternativly the default dmenu can be used by editing the scripts and removing the non-standard options
- Any panelling application such as bar-aint-recursive (see my dotfiles repo for my config)
git clone
in to a directory- Edit sxhkdrc
vim ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
for example add the following keybindings (replace <path-to-scripts>
with your actual path)
super + r
super + backslash
super + shift + backslash
<path-to-scripts>/adddesk tmp
super + shift + bracket{left,right}
bspc desktop -s {prev,next}
Lastly, Restart sxhkd to use the new bindings by restarting X
NOTE: These scripts have been made for bspwm but could be modified for other window managers