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Convert JSON schemas to TypeScript types


  • Only a small subset of JSONschema is supported
  • This library is very opinionated
  • Probably don't use this in production

Example - social media post

// Import various from-schema types
import { ArraySchema, EnumSchema, FromSchema, ObjectSchema } from 'from-schema';

// Import project-specific models defined elsewhere
import { attachment } from './attachment';
import { postBody } from './postBody';
import { postTitle } from './postTitle';
import { user } from './user';

// uuid can be passed to AJV for full UUID validation
export const uuid = {
	type: 'string',
} as const satisfies StringSchema;

// TypeScript will see Uuid as a standard string
export type Uuid = FromSchema<typeof uuid>;
/** Equivalent:
 *  type Uuid = string;
 * */

// Define an EnumSchema for the post body type
export const bodyType = {
	enum: ['plaintext', 'markdown'],
} as const satisfies EnumSchema;

// Export a type inferred from bodyType
export type BodyType = FromSchema<typeof bodyType>;
/** Equivalent:
 *  type BodyType = 'plaintext' | 'markdown'
 * */

// Define an array of attachments (defined elsewhere)
export const attachments = {
	type: 'array',
	items: attachment,
} as const satisfies ArraySchema;

// Infer a type based on that model
export type Attachments = FromSchema<typeof attachments>;
/* Equivalent:
 *  type Attachments = {<external definition>}[];
 * */

// Define the post itself -- AJV can compile this into a validator
export const post = {
	description: 'A post containing text, images, or videos',
	type: 'object',
	properties: {
		id: uuid, // You can embed schemas in other schemas
		body: postBody, // Maybe this is a string with specific constraints?
		groupId: uuid,
		authorId:, // You can model document relationships
		likes: {
			type: 'number',
		publishDate: {
			type: 'string',
		replies: {
			type: 'number',
		title: postTitle, // Another string with constraints defined elsewhere
		thread: {
			type: 'array',
			items: uuid,
	required: [
} as const satisfies ObjectSchema;

// Infer a TypeScript type
export type Post = FromSchema<typeof post>;
/** Equivalent:
 *  type Post = {
 *    id: string,
 *    body?: string,
 *    bodyType?: 'plaintest' | 'markdown'
 *    groupId?: string,
 *    attachments: {...}[],
 *    authorId: string,
 *    likes: number,
 *    publishDate: string,
 *    replies: number,
 *    title?: string,
 *    thread?: string[]
 *  }
 * */

Generated documentation

This section is experimental and may be removed in future.


Defined in ArraySchema.ts.

export type ArraySchema = SchemaBase & {
	readonly type: 'array';
	readonly items: SchemaOrPrimitive;
	readonly maxLength?: number;
	readonly minLength?: number;

Represents an array schema. It extends the SchemaBase and has the following properties:

  • type: Must be 'array'.
  • items: The schema or primitive type for the array elements.
  • maxLength (optional): The maximum length of the array.
  • minLength (optional): The minimum length of the array.


Defined in BooleanSchema.ts.

export type BooleanSchema = SchemaBase & {
	readonly type: 'boolean';

Represents a boolean schema. It extends the SchemaBase and has the following property:

  • type: Must be 'boolean'.


Defined in EnumSchemaOf.ts.

export type EnumSchemaOf<K> = SchemaBase & {
	readonly enum: readonly K[];

Represents an enumeration schema of a specific type K. It extends the SchemaBase and has the following property:

  • enum: An array of values of type K that the schema can take.


Defined in EnumSchema.ts.

export type EnumSchema = SchemaBase & {
	readonly enum: readonly (string | number | StringSchema | NumberSchema)[];

Represents an enumeration schema. It extends the SchemaBase and has the following property:

  • enum: An array of string, number, StringSchema, or NumberSchema values that the schema can take.


Defined in FromObjectSchema.ts.

export type FromObjectSchema<T extends ObjectSchema> = OnlyRequired<T> &

A utility type that constructs an object type from an ObjectSchema. It combines the required and optional properties of the schema.


Defined in FromPropertySchemas.ts.

export type FromPropertySchemas<T extends ObjectSchema> = {
	-readonly [K in keyof T['properties']]: PrimitiveOrFromSchema<

A utility type that constructs an object type from the properties of an ObjectSchema. It maps each property to its primitive or schema type.


Defined in FromSchema.ts.

export type FromSchema<T> = T extends StringSchema
	? string
	: T extends NumberSchema
		? number
		: T extends BooleanSchema
			? boolean
			: T extends UnionSchemaOf<infer P extends SchemaOrPrimitive>
				? PrimitiveOrFromSchema<P>
				: T extends EnumSchemaOf<infer P extends SchemaOrPrimitive>
					? PrimitiveOrFromSchema<P>
					: T extends ObjectSchema
						? FromObjectSchema<T>
						: T extends MapSchema
							? FromMapSchema<T>
							: T extends ArraySchema
								? FromSchema<T['items']>[]
								: NoSchema;

A utility type that constructs a TypeScript type from a schema type. It recursively maps the schema types to their corresponding TypeScript types.


Defined in HttpRoute.ts.

export type HttpRoute = SchemaBase & {
	readonly request: ObjectSchema;
	readonly response: ObjectSchema;
	readonly authenticated: boolean;

Represents an HTTP route schema. It extends the SchemaBase and has the following properties:

  • request: An ObjectSchema representing the request schema.
  • response: An ObjectSchema representing the response schema.
  • authenticated: A boolean indicating if authentication is required for the route.


Defined in MapSchema.ts.

export type MapSchema = {
	readonly type: 'map';
	readonly keys: StringSchema | EnumSchemaOf<string>;
	readonly values: Schema;
	readonly partial?: boolean;

Represents a map schema. It has the following properties:

  • type: Must be 'map'.
  • keys: A StringSchema or EnumSchemaOf<string> representing the schema for the map keys.
  • values: The schema for the map values.
  • partial (optional): A boolean indicating if the map is partial (allows undefined values).


Defined in MapSchema.ts.

export type MapSchemaOf<
	K extends StringSchema | EnumSchemaOf<string>,
	P = false,
> = SchemaBase & {
	readonly type: 'map';
	readonly keys: K;
	readonly values: V;
	readonly partial: P;

Represents a map schema of specific key and value types. It extends the SchemaBase and has the following properties:

  • type: Must be 'map'.
  • keys: The schema for the map keys, of type K.
  • values: The schema or primitive type for the map values, of type V.
  • partial: A boolean indicating if the map is partial (allows undefined values), defaulting to false.


Defined in MapSchema.ts.

export type FromMapSchema<S extends MapSchema> = S['partial'] extends true
	? {
			-readonly [key in S['keys'] extends EnumSchemaOf<infer M extends string>
				? M
				: string]?: FromSchema<S['values']>;
	: {
			-readonly [key in S['keys'] extends EnumSchemaOf<infer M extends string>
				? M
				: string]: FromSchema<S['values']>;

A utility type that constructs a map type from a MapSchema. It maps the key and value schemas to their corresponding TypeScript types, considering the partial property.


Defined in NumberSchema.ts.

export type NumberSchema = SchemaBase & {
	readonly type: 'number' | 'integer';
	readonly minimum?: number;
	readonly maximum?: number;

Represents a number schema. It extends the SchemaBase and has the following properties:

  • type: Must be 'number' or 'integer'.
  • minimum (optional): The minimum value for the number.
  • maximum (optional): The maximum value for the number.


Defined in ObjectSchema.ts.

export type ObjectSchemaWithoutRequired = SchemaBase & {
	readonly type: 'object';
	readonly properties: Record<string, SchemaOrPrimitive>;
	readonly minProperties?: number;
	readonly maxProperties?: number;

export type ObjectSchemaWithRequired = ObjectSchemaWithoutRequired & {
	readonly required: readonly string[];

export type ObjectSchema =
	| ObjectSchemaWithoutRequired
	| ObjectSchemaWithRequired;

Represents an object schema. It extends the SchemaBase and has the following properties:

  • type: Must be 'object'.
  • properties: A record of property names and their corresponding schemas or primitive types.
  • minProperties (optional): The minimum number of properties required in the object.
  • maxProperties (optional): The maximum number of properties allowed in the object.
  • required (optional): An array of required property names.


Defined in OnlyOptional.ts.

export type OnlyOptional<T extends ObjectSchema> =
	T extends ObjectSchemaWithRequired
		? Partial<Omit<FromPropertySchemas<T>, RequiredPropOf<T>>>
		: Partial<T['properties']>;

A utility type that constructs an object type with only the optional properties of an ObjectSchema.


Defined in OnlyRequired.ts.

export type OnlyRequired<T extends ObjectSchema> =
	T extends ObjectSchemaWithRequired
		? Required<Pick<FromPropertySchemas<T>, RequiredPropOf<T>>>
		: Record<string, never>;

A utility type that constructs an object type with only the required properties of an ObjectSchema.


Defined in PrimitiveOrFromSchema.ts.

export type PrimitiveOrFromSchema<T extends SchemaOrPrimitive> =
	T extends Schema ? FromSchema<T> : T;

A utility type that constructs a TypeScript type from a schema or primitive type. If the input is a schema, it uses FromSchema to convert it to a TypeScript type; otherwise, it returns the primitive type as is.


Defined in Primitive.ts.

export type Primitive = string | number | boolean | string[];

Represents a primitive type, which can be a string, number, boolean, or an array of strings.


Defined in RequiredPropOf.ts.

export type RequiredPropOf<T extends ObjectSchemaWithRequired> = Extract<
	keyof T['properties'],

A utility type that extracts the required property names from an ObjectSchemaWithRequired.


Defined in SchemaBase.ts.

export type SchemaBase = {
	readonly description?: string;

Represents the base schema type. It has an optional description property for providing a description of the schema.


Defined in SchemaOrPrimitive.ts.

export type SchemaOrPrimitive = Schema | Primitive;

Represents a schema or primitive type.


Defined in Schema.ts.

export type Schema =
	| ArraySchema
	| BooleanSchema
	| EnumSchema
	| MapSchema
	| NumberSchema
	| ObjectSchema
	| StringSchema
	| UnionSchema;

A union type representing all the available schema types.


Defined in StringSchema.ts.

export type StringSchema = SchemaBase & {
	readonly type: 'string';
	readonly minLength?: number;
	readonly maxLength?: number;
	readonly pattern?: string;
	readonly format?: string;

Represents a string schema. It extends the SchemaBase and has the following properties:

  • type: Must be 'string'.
  • minLength (optional): The minimum length of the string.
  • maxLength (optional): The maximum length of the string.
  • pattern (optional): A regular expression pattern that the string must match.
  • format (optional): A format specifier for the string (e.g., 'date', 'email').


Defined in UnionSchemaOf.ts.

export type UnionSchemaOf<K extends SchemaOrPrimitive> = SchemaBase & {
	readonly union: readonly K[];

Represents a union schema of a specific type K. It extends the SchemaBase and has the following property:

  • union: An array of schemas or primitive types that the schema can take.


Defined in UnionSchema.ts.

export type UnionSchema = SchemaBase & {
	readonly union: readonly SchemaOrPrimitive[];

Represents a union schema. It extends the SchemaBase and has the following property:

  • union: An array of schemas or primitive types that the schema can take.


Defined in WebSocketRoute.ts.

export type WebSocketRoute = SchemaBase & Record<string, never>;

Represents a WebSocket route schema. It extends the SchemaBase and has no additional properties.

Usage Examples

Here are some usage examples for the different schema types:


import { ArraySchema } from './ArraySchema';

const myArraySchema: ArraySchema = {
	type: 'array',
	items: {
		type: 'string',
	maxLength: 10,
	minLength: 1,


import { BooleanSchema } from './BooleanSchema';

const myBooleanSchema: BooleanSchema = {
	type: 'boolean',


import { EnumSchema } from './EnumSchema';

const myEnumSchema: EnumSchema = {
	enum: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],


import { MapSchema } from './MapSchema';

const myMapSchema: MapSchema = {
	type: 'map',
	keys: {
		type: 'string',
	values: {
		type: 'number',
	partial: true,


import { NumberSchema } from './NumberSchema';

const myNumberSchema: NumberSchema = {
	type: 'number',
	minimum: 0,
	maximum: 100,


import { ObjectSchema } from './ObjectSchema';

const myObjectSchema: ObjectSchema = {
	type: 'object',
	properties: {
		name: {
			type: 'string',
		age: {
			type: 'number',
	required: ['name'],


import { StringSchema } from './StringSchema';

const myStringSchema: StringSchema = {
	type: 'string',
	minLength: 1,
	maxLength: 50,
	pattern: '^[A-Za-z]+$',


import { UnionSchema } from './UnionSchema';

const myUnionSchema: UnionSchema = {
	union: [
			type: 'string',
			type: 'number',


Contributions to this project are welcome. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the project's repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Infer TypeScript types from JSON schemas






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