Execute multiple jobs as a single atomic job.
If you're coming from version <=0.3
you have to wait till your atomic jobs (in enqueued, scheduled, awaiting, etc. states) finishes as in version 0.4
data schema has been changed dramatically and this can lead to job state corruption.
This affects only existing users. New users have not to worry about anything.
- The storage you chosen must implement
- NET Standard 2.0 compatible project
Install a package from Nuget. Then configure your server and dashboard like this:
services.AddHangfire(configuration =>
Or this:
You must setup Hangfire storage before calling UseAtoms();
Additional extension methods are added for IBackgroundJobClient
var client = new BackgroundJobClient();
// Enqueue
var atomId = client.Enqueue("atom-1", builder =>
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
builder.Enqueue(() => DoWork());
// Continuations
var job1 = client.Enqueue(() => DoPrepare());
var atomId = client.ContinueWith(job1, "atom-2", builder =>
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
builder.Enqueue(() => DoWork());
// Scheduling
var atomId = client.Schedule("atom-3", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), builder =>
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
builder.Enqueue(() => DoWork());
// Atoms can be used as a common job which means you can continue them
client.ContinueWith(atomId, () => Done());
Triggers are event-like primitives. You can subscribe to it and set it manually whenever you need it.
// Triggers
var triggerJobId = client.OnTriggerSet("trigger-1");
client.ContinueWith(triggerJobId, () => DoWork());
// Set trigger manually when you need it
client.Schedule(() => SetTrigger("trigger-1"), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
Authored by: Viktor Svyatokha (ahydrax)
This project is under MIT license. You can obtain the license copy here.
This work is based on the work of Sergey Odinokov, author of Hangfire. http://hangfire.io/