An overview of all my projects can be found here: ahokcool
This project was created as part of my studies at: 42 Lisboa
The idea of the fdf project, French "fil de fer" for "wireframe model", is to visualise wireframe models. This is done by reading a map with 3-D coordinates from a file and storing it in a linked list. These 3D coordinates are then transformed into 2D coordinates according to the user's preferences and displayed in a window.
- working with the API of a graphics library
- understanding points in 2 and 3 dimensional space, vectors and trigonometric functions
- Bresenham's line algorithm
- Using a rotation matrix to transform coordinates
$ git clone --recurse-submodules # Clone
$ cd fdf # Change directory
$ make # Compile
$ ./fdf <map_file.fdf> # Open a map from a file
$ ./fdf <a string> # Create a map from a string
To use the prorgram you can either load a map...
./fdf ./maps/nice_maps/t2.fdf
... or create a map...
./fdf astein
💡 note: following symbols have a map in ./maps/letters/
some of the maps in ./maps/nice_maps/
are from @duarte3333 thx!
🔗creating maps
🔗minilibx images
🔗drawing lines