- ROS: Kinetic
- OS: Ubuntu-16.04
- Gazebo 7.0
- Velodyne Simulator
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-husky-gazebo
- Hector NIST Arenas Elements
Clone this project on your ROS workspace, then run the command below:
~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make
A Gazebo model in order to person detection purpose in an outdoor location using 3D LiDAR Velodyne which is compatible to ROS.
Launch its launch files:
Fixed persons:
roslaunch agn_gazebo static_velodyne.launch
Animated persons:
roslaunch agn_gazebo animated_person.launch roslaunch agn_gazebo movement.launch
To store the persons position in .csv files run the command below:
roslaunch agn_gazebo groundtruth.launch
A Gazebo model in order to wall-following and go-to algorithms purpose like the Bug navigation algorithm
Launch its launch file:
roslaunch agn_gazebo pioneer.launch
A Gazebo model in order to prepare an environment for a rescue robot on Exploration task in a ramped maze map.
Launch its launch file:
roslaunch agn_gazebo rescue.launch