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AI-Powered Portfolio Website

A modern, interactive portfolio website built with Next.js, React, and TypeScript, featuring AI-powered components and smooth animations. The site includes an intelligent chat assistant powered by Google's Gemini AI model.

Website Screenshot


  • 🤖 AI Chat Assistant - Interactive chat powered by Google Gemini
  • 🚀 Interactive Code Typing Animation - Dynamic code display with syntax highlighting
  • 💻 Responsive Design - Optimized for all devices from mobile to desktop
  • 🎨 Modern UI/UX - Clean, professional interface with smooth animations
  • 🌙 Dark Mode - Sleek dark theme for optimal viewing
  • 📧 Contact Form - Integrated with Resend for reliable email delivery
  • 📱 Mobile-First Approach - Fully responsive with tailored mobile experience
  • 🎯 SEO Optimized - Built-in metadata configuration
  • Performance Optimized - Fast loading and smooth transitions
  • 🔄 Loading Animations - Smooth loading transitions with Lottie

Tech Stack

  • Framework: Next.js
  • Language: TypeScript
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS with CSS Variables
  • Animations:
    • Framer Motion
    • Lottie Animations
  • Form Handling: React Hook Form with Zod validation
  • UI Components:
    • shadcn/ui
    • Lucide React Icons
  • Email Service: Resend
  • AI Integration: Google Gemini AI
  • Code Highlighting: Prism React Renderer
  • UI Components: Custom components with shadcn/ui
  • AI Model: Google Gemini
  • Deployment: [Your deployment platform]

Development Requirements

  • Node.js 18+
  • npm or yarn or pnpm
  • Git

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd ai-portfolio
  2. Install dependencies

    npm install
    # or
    yarn install
    # or
    pnpm install
  3. Set up environment variables

    # Create a .env.local file with the following variables:
  4. Start the development server

    npm run dev
    # or
    yarn dev
  5. Build for production

    npm run build
    # or
    yarn build

Customizing the Portfolio

All the main content of the portfolio is centralized in the data/index.ts file for easy customization. Here's how to modify each section:

1. Personal Information

Update the home section with your details:

home: {
  name: "Your Name",
  description: "Your Tagline", // Use # for styling, _ for space, __ for dash
  cvLink: "#contact", // Or link to your CV

2. Social Links

Modify the sidebar links with your social media profiles:

sidebar: {
  links: [
      name: 'github',
      link: '',
      icon: Github,
    // Add or remove social links as needed

3. Projects

Showcase your projects by updating the projects array:

projects: {
  projects: [
      id: 1,
      title: 'Project Name',
        'Project description.\n\n Technologies Used: Tech1, Tech2, Tech3',
      image: '/projects-imgs/your-image.png', // Add image to public/projects-imgs/
      previewLink: '',
    // Add more projects

4. Technologies/Skills

Customize your skills section:

technologies: {
  skills: [
      id: 1,
      name: 'technology-name',
      src: '/skills/icon.svg', // Add icon to public/skills/
      link: 'https://link-to-technology-info',
    // Add more skills

5. Contact Information

Update your contact details:

contact: {
  email: "",
  name: "Your Name"

6 Change the prompt for the AI assistant

Change the prompt in the app/api/chat/route.ts file in the createContextFromData function to change the behavior of the AI assistant.

Image Requirements

  • Project images: Add to public/projects-imgs/ (Recommended size: 1200x630px)
  • Skill icons: Add to public/skills/ (SVG format recommended)
  • All images should be optimized for web use

Styling Notes

  • Use # before words in descriptions for special styling
  • Use _ for spaces in specially styled text
  • Use __ for dashes in specially styled text
  • The portfolio uses Tailwind CSS for styling - customize colors in tailwind.config.ts

Environment Variables

After customizing, make sure to set up your environment variables in .env.local:

RESEND_API_KEY=your_resend_api_key # Get from
GOOGLE_API_KEY=your_gemini_api_key # Get from Google Cloud Console

AI Assistant Customization

The AI chat assistant's responses are based on your data file content. Update the information in data/index.ts to ensure the AI provides accurate information about you and your work.

Project Structure

  • app/ - Next.js app directory and API routes

    • (main)/ - Main application routes
    • api/ - API endpoints for email and chat
  • components/ - React components

    • layout/ - Layout components (header, footer, etc.)
    • sections/ - Page sections (home, about, projects, etc.)
    • ui/ - Reusable UI components from shadcn/ui
  • data/ - Static data and content configuration

  • hooks/ - Custom React hooks

  • lib/ - Utility functions and shared code

  • public/ - Static assets

    • imgs/ - Image assets
    • skills/ - Skill icons
    • projects-imgs/ - Project screenshots
    • lottie/ - Lottie animation files


This portfolio is optimized for deployment on Vercel. To deploy:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a new project on Vercel
  3. Connect your forked repository
  4. Add the required environment variables:
  5. Deploy!

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are required:

  • RESEND_API_KEY - API key for email service
  • GOOGLE_API_KEY - API key for Gemini Pro AI (required for chat assistant)


Aga Kadela


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Made with ❤️ by Aga Kadela