- creates a public VPC
- creates an ECS cluster
- creates autoscaling group and launch configuration for cluster instances
- creates roles and security groups
- creates a repository in AWS ECR,
- builds the docker image, pushes it to the repository, using the packer
- creates an AWS ECS service on a given cluster
- creates AWS ELB for this service
- checks the availability of the service
- docker
- packer
- terraform
- awscli
- Export credentials:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="..."
- Change variables and backend files or create your own:
- ./backends/backend-dev.json
- ./vars/dev.tfvars
- Change backend s3 bucket in:
- main.tf
- run (using existing dev config example):
make init-dev
make plan-dev
make apply-dev
- Destroy all things, you created:
make destroy-dev