This is the codebase behind, a site dedicated to documenting instances where people of color are killed by Law Enforcement Officers during routine interactions.
- Current Site: Production
- Staging Site: (requires developer access)
After the Walter Scott video was released showing the vast discrepancy between the official report of the encounter and the video, a group of Black technologists had the idea of a site where information on each encounter could be stored and recorded. This would help show both the frequency with which this occurs as well as the way bias affects the proceedings.
- Ruby 2.4.1 or higher
- Rails 4.2.9 or higher
- Elasticsearch for searching cases
- Postgres 9.4 or higher
- Redis (currently for the Split gem for A/B testing )
- Sendgrid (for outbound email)
- SSL using Let's Encrypt and Substrakt at End Bias Certificate Manager
We use RSpec to test the business logic. In addition, we use Travis as a Continuous Integration (CI) Server and Code Climate to monitor code quality. We also use bullet to detect an N+1 query and raise an exception and fail the build, whether local or in CI.
EBWiki uses the following 3rd party services:
- Trello for business project management
- Monitis for system monitoring
- Heroku for hosting
- AWS S3 for file uploads
Contributors to this project can be found here
EBWiki is using the Apache 2.0 License.
Link to Code Of Conduct document.