Demonstration of Native Advertisement Issue
This sample code requests a small number of native ads (identifying them by index) and experiences "Invalid Response" errors. See original report here:;context-place=forum/dfp
Purpose of the Code:
..* To build a pool of native ads (for use over the next minutes, no more than an hour, per docs) for a couple of units (to reduce load latency for future impressions.) ..* This sample stopped at reproducing the errors (i.e. is not a full use, does not mark impressios, etc. etc.)
Interesting Observations: ..* Initially (and unintentionally) run without the iOS9 considerations --- however once added no change was detected. (Note to self: Perhaps pointing to a problem with implementation of this?) ..* Did not occur until added code to extract fields from loaded content. ..* Fails with one unit, does not need multiple. ..* Failed on the second/third request loads.
Application Output: