#Torrent Api
This is a simple project for integrating with the torrentapi which provides api access to some of the most popular tv groups in the "torrent world" If you want to request/suggest any features to the API please create a new issue
Current "apps" that have the api integrated are :
https://github.com/SiCKRAGETV/SickRage maintainer https://github.com/abeloin , https://github.com/fernandog
https://github.com/SchizoDuckie/DuckieTV maintainer https://github.com/SchizoDuckie
https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr maintainer https://github.com/Taloth
https://github.com/SickGear/SickGear maintainer https://github.com/JackDandy
https://github.com/Flexget/Flexget maintainer https://github.com/cvium
https://github.com/zone117x/Jackett maintainer https://github.com/zone117x