A highly experimental class to read and ‘execute’ REST methods described by WADL. Currently has a minor Drupal integration bit, and barely tested with the Fedora WADL. This was mostly just written because I knew it could be, and wouldn’t be too long of a task.
The WADL_REST class (defined in WADL_REST.inc) needs to be instantiated with an associative array of parameters, containing at least the ‘wadl_url’, which is where the WADL XML file is pulled from (using curl). It also accepts ‘username’ and ‘password’, which are by default specified any time a curl call is made.
After instantiation, the REST ‘functions’ can then be called against the instantiated WADL_REST object. For example:
//Instantiate the WADL_REST, giving the location of the WADL XML file to load.
$api = new WADL_REST(array(
'wadl_url' => 'http://some-host/and/wadl/file/path',
//Let's say the WADL defines a function helloWorld. We can then call it like:
echo $api->helloWorld();
This would likely be expected to yield something like:
Hello world!