lr has been updated to call the new routines:
The purpose of is to scan the load being reviewed and
identify long dwells between ACIS Stop Science commands and
ACIS Start Science commands. This is in response to the
1DPAMZT Red Limit reached during the OCT3122 load. There was
a long dwell between ACIS science runs with 3 FEPs on, and
at high pitch which caused the violation.
The routine will alert the ACIS load reviewer that there is a long
dwell between science runs so that the reviewer can double check to
determine if the dwell is safe. determines the time delta between the beginning of loading
one of the Event Histogram SI modes used when HRC is observing, and the
activation of SCS-134. The delta t must be at least equal to the bias time of the
SI mode used plus the amount of time Txings takes to acquire 6 samples and determine
whether or not a shutdown should occur.
lr was modified to call both of the above routines and also satisfy a request to
untar the <load_week>.or file from the weekly tarball.
Additional small changes to lr were made to remove extraneous print
statements and fix a typo in a print statement.