The program to predict neutralization titration reaction which studied and developed in "Haksung High School" for the "2019 Science Exhibition" in South Korea
제 22회 울산 과학 전람회 (22nd Ulsan Science Exhibition)
- Awarded : 특상 - 울산광역시 교육감 노옥희 (1st Prize - Superintendent of Education, Ulsan Metropolitan City)
- Media :
제 65회 전국 과학 전람회 (65th Korea Science Exhibition)
- Awarded : 대통령상 - 대한민국 대통령 문재인 (1st prize - South Korean President)
- Media :
- 울산광역시 교육홍보관 ( Ulsan Metropolitan City Education PR Center)
- 학성고등학교 (Haksung High School)
- 울산제일일보 (Ulsna Jeil Ilbo) - 1
- 울산제일일보 (Ulsna Jeil Ilbo) - 2
- 울산종합일보 (Ulsan Jonghap Ilbo)
- 울산시민신문 (Ulsan Citizen News)
- 울산신문 (Ulsan News)
- 울산매일 (Ulsan Maeil)
- 울산광역매일 (Ulsan Metropolitan Maeil)
- 울산포스트 (Ulsan Post)
- 경상일보 (Gyeongsang Ilbo)
- KBS News
- YTN Science
- 연합뉴스 (Yonhap News) - 1
- 연합뉴스 (Yonhap News) - 2
- 동아사이언스 (Donga Science)
- News1
- 한국경제 (Hankyung)
- 국제신문 (Kookje News)
- 뉴시스 (Newsis)
- 아이뉴스24 (INews24)
- 뉴트리션 미디어그룹 (Nutrition Media Group)
- 베리타스 알파 (Veritas α)
- 이데일리 (Edaily)
- 아시아경제 (Asia Economy)
- 아시아투데이 (Asia Today)
- 전자신문 (Electronic Times)
- 디지털타임즈 (The Digital Times)
- 뉴스핌 (News Pim)
- 뉴스웍스 (News Works)
- 헬로디디 (HelloDD)
- 메트로신문 (Metro Media)
- 땡큐 굿 뉴스 (Thank You Good News)
- 대전일보 (Daejon Ilbo)
- 경북 세계타임즈 (Gyeongbuk World Times)
- 투데이광주 (Today Gwangju)
- Strong Acid
- Strong monoprotic acids.
- Strong Base
- Strong monovalent bases.
- Type 1
- Protic weak acids and conjugate bases of them.
- Type 2
- Poorly soluble hydroxide salts.
- Initial release
- When [OH-] remains, calculate by assuming [H+] = -[OH-])
- Can calculate weak acids, weak bases and polyprotic acids.
- Add graph-generator.
- Add equivalence-point-finder.
- Rename the equivalence-point-finder function to recipe-finder function.
- Modify the output messages.
- Solve the infinite loop problem that occurred in recipe-finder function.
- Improve the accuracy of recipe-finder function.
- Remove the danger of buffer overflow.
- Modify the output message of recipe-finder.
- Eliminate the risk of potential errors in the graph-generator function.
- Separate the functions for calculation as a library.
- Make the CalcInitialH function executed inside the CalculatePH function.
- Eliminate some risks of potential errors in the recipe-finder function.
- Change the path of the solute.pcd and result.pcd.
- A little refactoring.
- Eliminate some risks of potential errors while loading DB.
- Eliminate the risk of potential error while generating graph.
- Fix a small error with escape condition in loop while generating graph.
- Add some informational messages while calculating.
- Now can calculating poorly soluble powder.
- Fix the error that take longer time while execute CalculatePH function.
- Fix the critical error occurred by macros.
- Fix the critical error occurred by HydroxideSolubility macro.
- Fix the critical error occurred by CalculatePH function.
- Enhancement of RecipeFinder function.
- Make code look better.
- Change and merge macros for DB.
- Make code look better.
- Fix the critical error occurred by CalculatePoorlySolubleH function.
- Correct some errors in poorly-soluble-DB.pcd.
- Fix the critical error occurred by CalculatePH function.
- Change name of DB.
- Fix a small error with type_2.pcd.
- A little refactoring.
- Rollback to v2.1.1-alpha.
- Fix the critical error occurred by CalculatePoorlySolubleH function.
- Fix the critical error occurred by CalculatePH function.
- A little refactoring.
- A little refactoring.
- A little refactoring.
- Enhancement of RecipeFinder function.
- Add GUI version of ph-calculator.
- A little refactoring.
- Fix critical error with recipe-finder in src/ph-calculator-gui.
- Fix a critical error with recipe-finder in src/ph-calculator-gui.
- A little bit of refactoring for gui version.
- Change application name to ABCW.