A python script to turn your docstring inside contract into json userdoc and devdoc like solidity compiler
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You need argparse python3 version, run this command on your terminal to install it:
pip3 install argparse
To install it just clone it into your folder, run this command:
git clone https://github.com/acheron2302/vyper-doc.git ~/opt/vyper-doc
Then for your terminal to run it just by typing vyper-doc, you need to run setup.sh with root privilege:
sudo ./setup.sh
notice: The run on terminal is only work with linux and haven't support mac
This script use the vyper document natspec to turn your contract into json doc.
The example contract:
x: uint256
def store(_value: uint256):
@author acheron2302
@notice store the value to this contract
@dev store the value to this contract
@param _value The value to store in this contract
x = _value
def get() -> uint256:
@author acheron2302
@notice get back the value store in this contract
@dev get back the value for
this contract
@return the value that is store in this contract
return x
To get back the user document run this command:
$ vyper-doc --userdoc file_path
The result on the above contract:
"methods": {
"get()": {
"notice": "get back the value store in this contract"
"store(uint256)": {
"notice": "store the value to this contract"
And to get back the dev doc run this command:
$ vyper-doc --devdoc file_path
The result on the above contract:
"methods": {
"get()": {
"author": "acheron2302",
"dev": "get back the value for this contract",
"return": "the value that is store in this contract"
"store(uint256)": {
"author": "acheron2302",
"dev": "store the value to this contract"
You MUST follow this rule for the script to work:
- YOU MUST RUN THIS SCRIPT WITH VYPER COMPILER ALREADY OPEN AND RUN ON YOUR TERMINAL. If you haven't install vyper compiler then you can follow this instruction on their document
- This script only work if you write the natspec inside the function
- You can only have 1 dev, 1 notice and 1 author in each function. But if you need more than 1 then you can write in multiple line like in the example
- The setup.sh is only support linux for now
email: [email protected]