Generate rawtx with web3py
The is the example where i use ERC1820Register contract to test the transaction:, compile using solc 0.5.3.
The is to deploy the contract to the local test chain.
The class will give out the sender address, raw tx, txData. Init code is as follow
nonce: The nonce of from address (if for single use address MUST set it to 0)
gasPrice: the gas price of the chain (use web3.eth.gasPrice to get back the gas price)
gasLimit: the gas limit of the chain (use web3.eth.estimateGas(data: [contract_bytecode]) to get back estimate gas)
to: the address u want to send to
value: the value to send
data(init): the data to send
v: v of the eliptic curve signature (MAY use 27 and 28 for all chain compatibility)
r: r of the eliptic curve signature
s: s of the eliptic curve signature
Give back the transaction signing data
Give back the raw transaction with the signature from v, r, s you have input
Give back the address which will make the transaction
From the, i have already input these parameter nonce: 0
, gasPrice: web3.eth.gasPrice (2 * 10 ** 9)
, gasLimit: web3.eth.estimateGas(data: [ERC1820 byte code])
, to: address(0)
, value: 0
, data: [ERC1820 byte code]
, v: 27
, r: 0x1820182018201820182018201820182018201820182018201820182018201820
, s: 0x1820182018201820182018201820182018201820182018201820182018201820
The result from the senderAddress is:
You must run this script on default ganache test net because web3 need to take the gasPrice from a chain.