Quickly created using chatgpt and a few lines of code. https://chatgpt.com/share/677556f1-40dc-8005-8d12-46d8dbd8b1a7
Originally to convert the awsome podcast by Urbain and Clément, "Plutot caustique" to text. Can be used on others podcasts.
License APACHE 2.0 fill free to use and modify.
- Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the script The first time you run the script, you need to provide the url and the language of the podcast.
python podcast_downloader.py --url "https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/plutot-caustique" --language "fr"
- Re Run the script The next time you run the script, you can use the config file to avoid providing the url and the language.
python podcast_downloader.py --file config.json