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My chezmoi dotfiles

Coding time over the last 30 days


1. Homebrew

1.1. Install Homebrew and required tools

Install the Homebrew dependencies for Linux

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Warning: Make sure to follow the steps in "next steps" displayed after the installation.

1.2. Install dependencies

 # Sway dependencies
 # yay -S sway rofi swayidle waybar playerctl kanshi light swaync
 # swaybg swaylock kvantum waybar-updates bluetuith swappy cliphist inotify-tools catppuccin-gtk-theme-macchiato ttf-roboto-mono-nerd ttf-roboto-mono

 # hyprland dependencies
 yay -S hyprland xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland wofi swaync --noconfirm
 yay -S grimblast-git swappy showmethekey wf-recorder --noconfirm # Need to implement shortcuts in hyprland
 yay -S waybar ttf-roboto-mono-nerd ttf-roboto-mono hyprland-autoname-workspaces-git waybar-updates bluetuith --noconfirm
 yay -S hyprlock hypridle kanshi --noconfirm # To finish
 # to review: waybar-mpris swww

 # theme: install and run both nwg-look and qt6ct to set as you're liking, however config should be saved already
 yay -S catppuccin-gtk-theme-macchiato nwg-look qt6ct

2. Setup ssh for GitHub

2.1. Create ssh key

mkdir ~/.ssh && cd $_
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]" -f "github-agoodshort"

if [[ $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then
    pbcopy <~/.ssh/ # copy public key to clipboard
    wl-copy <~/.ssh/ #

2.2. Associate the key with GitHub

Add the copied key in your GitHub Profile SSH keys.

2.3. Add the GitHub SSH key to known_host

brew install jq
curl --silent |
    jq --raw-output '" "+.ssh_keys[]' >>~/.ssh/known_hosts

3. Getting started with chezmoi

brew install chezmoi
chezmoi init --apply agoodshort

4. Additional steps based on OS


List of tools used is available in Tools.


  • Create a bootstrap script to install the brew bases and login to lastpass
  • Look at Timeshift and find out how to partition properly
  • Work on the format with {{ end -}}
  • Mount secondary drive as home folder
  • Change zsh/ to exact_zsh/
  • Finish to setup wtfutil
  • Finish setting up required tools for lf previewer =>
  • Install howdy, follow the steps on this page
  • Install and configure swww for wallpaper
  • Finish the installation of hyprland
  • add homebrew to packages.yaml

image => to test screensharing features


Git multi user