This is a sample project that utilizes playwright build in runner with page object model/fixtures as a base design. For the demo purpose test cases are created on site
- Test data usage of json file for data driven, builder pattern with faker library and custom data factory templates
- Attach video and screen shot on failure to build in playwright html report
- Playwright storage state and usage of global setup for one time login
- Environment json file to run test easily in QA or Dev environments (Note: This is an example as we do not have a Dev env)
- Usage of fixtures for cleaner page object model
- Supports serial and Parallel execution
- Easily add more test for testing restful apis
- Nodejs: Download and install nodejs from here
- Visual Studio Code: Download and install VS Code from here
Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:abidkhan4357/TypescriptPlaywrightDemoFramework.git
Navigate to root project directory and install the following
- Install npm packages using
npm install
- If this is your first time with nodejs playwright framework you will need to download the required browsers
npx playwright install
In root project directory to execute below command to run all UI and API testS
npx playwright test
- If you need to run api or ui tests only
npm run test:api
npm run test:ui
- If you want to run on a specific firefox or webkit you can run the following command. By default project will run on chromium
BROWSER=firefox npm run test:ui
BROWSER=webkit npm run test:ui
Note: By default tests will run in headless and in parallel. If you would like to run in UI tests headed mode use --headed flag and/or if you like to disable parallelism use --workers=1 eg:
npm playwright test --headed --workers=1
Optional: If you would like to execute tests using IDE and playwright runner. Open VS code and download the extension: Playwright Test for VS Code. You can also enable the NPM SCRIPTS in the the VS Code explorer and can run them like that
Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:abidkhan4357/TypescriptPlaywrightDemoFramework.git
Navigate to root project directory
Build the docker image
docker build -t <imagename> .
- Run the Docker container
docker run <imagename>
- Improve of execution using ENV(cross-env) instead of json file
- Usage of alias for cleaner imports
- Set up CI/D tool Jenkins
- Selenium grid support
- SonarQube integration
- The github action workflow file is located in directory .github/workflows file name playwright.yml
- The workflow is triggered on every push to master branch or when a pull request is created
- The workflow consist of two jobs: ui-test and api-test.
I am open to contributions from the community to this Playwright project! Whether you're interested in adding new features, fixing bugs, or improving documentation, I would love to have your contributions and collaborate with you to make this project better. Please note if you're changes are big, raise a issue to discuss the changes first.