This bash script will create a samba share for you that will be visible in Finder and for Time Machine.
The first thing to do is install samba and the avahi daemon. This will depend on you Linux distro. Once you have done that, start the Samba daemon and Avahi daemon services.
Secondly, you must first create a samba user. This command will create a new samba user:
sudo smbpasswd -a "username"
The username must be an existing user on the machine.
The way the script works is by taking user input and modifying an existing smb.conf file in this repository. Once it does that, it backs up the existing smb.conf to /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak, and moves the modified smb.conf file to /etc/samba.
After you've opened up a terminal, the first thing you're going to want to do is clone the repository to a convenient location.
cd ~/
git clone
Once you've done that, go into the folder and run apple-samba-create.
cd apple-samba
You will be prompted to enter your administrator password.
Once you've done that, answer a few prompts, and your share will be created!
To add new shares, simply run the apple-samba-add script, and answer a few prompts along the way.
To reset Samba to default, just run the apple-samba-reset script, which will back up the existing smb.conf file and replace it with the default smb.conf file.