Docker files to build and run open5gs in a docker
Docker host machine
- Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04
SDRs tested with srsLTE eNB
- Ettus USRP B210
- LimeSDR Mini v1.3
UERANSIM (gNB + UE) simulator
- Mandatory requirements:
Clone repository and build base docker image of open5gs, kamailio, ueransim
git clone
cd docker_open5gs/base
docker build --no-cache --force-rm -t docker_open5gs .
cd ../ims_base
docker build --no-cache --force-rm -t docker_kamailio .
cd ../srslte
docker build --no-cache --force-rm -t docker_srslte .
cd ../ueransim
docker build --no-cache --force-rm -t docker_ueransim .
cd ..
set -a
source .env
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up
# srsRAN eNB
docker-compose -f srsenb.yaml up -d && docker attach srsenb
# srsRAN gNB
docker-compose -f srsgnb.yaml up -d && docker attach srsgnb
# srsRAN ZMQ based setup
# eNB
docker-compose -f srsenb_zmq.yaml up -d && docker attach srsenb_zmq
# gNB
docker-compose -f srsgnb_zmq.yaml up -d && docker attach srsgnb_zmq
# 4G UE
docker-compose -f srsue_zmq.yaml up -d && docker attach srsue_zmq
# 5G UE
docker-compose -f srsue_5g_zmq.yaml up -d && docker attach srsue_5g_zmq
docker-compose -f nr-gnb.yaml up -d && docker attach nr_gnb
docker-compose -f nr-ue.yaml up -d && docker attach nr_ue
For the quick run (eNB/gNB, CN in same docker network), edit only the following parameters in .env as per your setup
TEST_NETWORK --> Change this only if it clashes with the internal network at your home/office
DOCKER_HOST_IP --> This is the IP address of the host running your docker setup
SGWU_ADVERTISE_IP --> Change this to value of DOCKER_HOST_IP set above only if eNB/gNB is not running the same docker network/host
UPF_ADVERTISE_IP --> Change this to value of DOCKER_HOST_IP set above only if eNB/gNB is not running the same docker network/host
If eNB/gNB is NOT running in the same docker network/host as the host running the dockerized Core/IMS then follow the below additional steps
Under mme section in docker compose file (docker-compose.yaml, nsa-deploy.yaml), uncomment the following part
# ports:
# - "36412:36412/sctp"
Under amf section in docker compose file (docker-compose.yaml, nsa-deploy.yaml, sa-deploy.yaml), uncomment the following part
# ports:
# - "38412:38412/sctp"
If deploying in SA mode only (sa-deploy.yaml), then uncomment the following part under upf section
# ports:
# - "2152:2152/udp"
If deploying in NSA mode only (nsa-deploy.yaml, docker-compose.yaml), then uncomment the following part under sgwu section
# ports:
# - "2152:2152/udp"
Open (http://<DOCKER_HOST_IP>:3000) in a web browser, where <DOCKER_HOST_IP> is the IP of the machine/VM running the open5gs containers. Login with following credentials
Username : admin
Password : 1423
Using Web UI, add a subscriber
If SGWU_ADVERTISE_IP is properly set to the host running the SGWU container in NSA deployment, then the following static route is not required. On the eNB, make sure to have the static route to SGWU container (since internal IP of the SGWU container is advertised in S1AP messages and UE wont find the core in Uplink)
# NSA - 4G5G Hybrid deployment
- IPv6 usage in Docker