This project provides both a terminal-based and GUI-based Tic Tac Toe game.
The files here are simply placeholders with ideas of where you might start.
In the end, your program must pass the acceptance tests ConsoleTests.robot
and GuiTests.robot
found in the src/acceptance
The console tests assume that your program accepts two numbers from the standard input on each turn, representing first the row and then the column to mark, separated by whitespace. The player representing X always goes first to begin the game, and it remains the current player's turn until a legal move is made. After a legal move is made, the turn goes to the other player.
They also assume that when you display the board as a string, it looks like the following:
| |
| |
| |
It should be exactly 5 lines tall and 5 characters wide (not counting the newlines). So a board that had X winning along the diagonal would be
O| |X
Finally, they assume that the game ends with a winning message printed
to the console: either "X wins"
, "O wins"
, or "Tie"
The GUI tests assume that the GUI contains 9 buttons (ideally arranged as a
3x3 grid like a Tic Tac Toe board) and a label that will eventually hold the
result of the game. The title of the main frame of the GUI should be
"Tic Tac Toe"
. Additionally, each button should have its name (using the
method) set to "location00"
, "location01"
, etc. and the label
should have its name set to "result"
When the game begins, the label and all buttons are blank (no text). As the
player presses a button, if the move is legal then the button text should
be set to the appropriate mark ("X"
or "O"
). If the result of the game is
that the X player wins, then the result label text should be set to
"X wins"
. If the O player wins, then the result label text should be set to
"O wins"
. If the game ends in a tie, then the result label text should be
set to "Tie"
. After the game has ended, no further button presses should
change the board, even on empty locations.
An example of how the GUI could look (along with the required names of the components) is given below.
| Tic Tac Toe | o | - | X |
| ------------------------------------------ |
| | JLabel: result | |
| ------------------------------------------ |
| |
| ------------ ------------ ------------ |
| | JButton: | | JButton: | | JButton: | |
| | location00 | | location01 | | location02 | |
| ------------ ------------ ------------ |
| ------------ ------------ ------------ |
| | JButton: | | JButton: | | JButton: | |
| | location10 | | location11 | | location12 | |
| ------------ ------------ ------------ |
| ------------ ------------ ------------ |
| | JButton: | | JButton: | | JButton: | |
| | location20 | | location21 | | location22 | |
| ------------ ------------ ------------ |
| |
After you have cloned the repository, you should be able to navigate
to the directory containing the
file. There, you can
build the project by running the command
gradlew build
You can run the acceptance tests.
gradlew cucumber
Finally, you can run the unit test coverage report.
gradlew jacocoTestReport
When you want to get rid of all of the temporary files (like compiled class files and such), you can say
gradlew clean