A simple Wi-Fi menu script that uses rofi and nmcli.
- Enable or Disable Wi-Fi
- Display available Wi-Fi SSIDs along with their access level
- Connect to any Wi-Fi from their SSID with either their saved password or prompt for password
- Notify the success or failure message
Install rofi nmcli and dunst using either your package manager or clone the repo and install accordingly and set any Nerd Font in your Rofi config to be able to use all the icons. Then run these commands.
git clone https://github.com/ZuxRoy/wifi-rofi.git
cd wifi-rofi
The icons used in the dunst
notifications are present in the icons
folder. To use them follow these steps.
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/custom
cp icons/* ~/.local/share/icons/custom/
The example config has also been added in this repo. The font used in this config is the JetBrainsMono Nerd Font, download to use. To use this config follow these steps.
mkdir -p ~/.config/rofi/
cp theme.rasi ~/.config/rofi/config.rasi
PopOS! does not have the notify-send library installed by default. You can install it with the following command
sudo apt install libnotify-bin